What problem does this feature solve?
Currently, all of the internal components used by the DocLayout
will completely override the className
property. For example, ul will always have "list-disc pl-5 my-4 leading-7". I think it should respect any className
it gets from props, and attempt to merge them.
The motivation for this is that I wrote a custom rehype plugin that adds custom classes to MDX elements, but these are stripped away by the components.
What does the proposed API look like?
- The simplest solution would be to concatenate the props.
export const Ul = (props: ComponentProps<'ul'>) => {
return <ul {...props} className={`list-disc pl-5 my-4 leading-7 ${props.className}`} />;
However, this may add an extra space if there were no classes provided.
- A nice solution would be to use the common
utility for merging TailwindCSS classes.
import { clsx, type ClassValue } from "clsx"
import { twMerge } from "tailwind-merge"
export function cn(...inputs: ClassValue[]) {
return twMerge(clsx(inputs))
export const Ul = (props: ComponentProps<'ul'>) => {
return <ul {...props} className={cn("list-disc pl-5 my-4 leading-7", props.className)} />;
This would require additional packages to be installed, but they are small and might be useful in other places.
- Finally, it may also be feasible to implement an internal implementation of
to prevent additional dependencies.
export function cn(...inputs: unknown[]) {
return inputs.filter(Boolean).join(' ')
export const Ul = (props: ComponentProps<'ul'>) => {
return <ul {...props} className={cn("list-disc pl-5 my-4 leading-7", props.className)} />;
If any of these solutions seem acceptable, I can open a corresponding PR.