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Investigate keyboard operability testing #101




From display: contents testing work, we've identified opportunities to expand testing coverage in accessibility interop to include keyboard testing.

Common keyboard web accessibility issues which may be WPT-testable include:

  • lack of focusability (i.e., an element is neither tabbable nor programmatically focusable)
  • keyboard traps (i.e., an element may receive focus but focus cannot subsequently be moved to the previous/next focusable element)
  • general lack of expected keyboard operability (e.g., a button-like element is not operable with Enter/Return or Spacebar)
  • focus management issues (e.g., dismissing <dialog> or alert() element should return focus to the triggering control)
  • modal interfaces that don't hide hidden/inert controls outside the modal window
  • missing visible keyboard focus indication (likely non-trivial but may be possible!)

Current WPT keyboard APIs/utilities and proposed stuff

In addition to our currently utilized test_driver.get_computed_label() and test_driver.get_computed_role() functions, testdriver.js includes APIs for actions such as keyboard operation (testdriver-actions.js Actions API).

testdriver-actions.js has a number of functions to simulate keyboard operation (such as .keyUp()) however, accessibility-focused utilities that address common a11y issues like the above are unavailable.

Some proposed new keyboard testing functions:

  • isFocusable(): uses assert_equals() and JS .focus() to verify document.activeElement; alternatively, we could simulate a Tab key press and check that the element is focused
  • isTabbable: uses test_driver.send_keys() to operate an element with the Tab key
  • isFocused(): e.g., when a modal overlay is dismissed, checks that the appropriate element has focus
  • isNotFocused(): uses assert_not_equals() to verify that the current element is not document.activeElement (or has been keyboard-navigated away from)
  • isKeyboardOperable(someKeys): given a set of keys, ensure that pressing them dispatches appropriate event
  • verifyFocusIsTrapped(): given a DOM node, walks all focusable descendants and ensures that only they are in the focus/tab order
  • verifyFocusOutline(): check if an element draws a focus ring

These could be written as either a common WPT utility, or set of functions exposed by testdriver.js. I recognize that some of these tests may belong outside of accessibility interop, and likely tested outside of it too, but it could simplify/support external testing efforts as well to standardize WPT keyboard testing.

General examples of keyboard testing in other WPT areas

I've identified some notable existing keyboard-focused tests to see how such testing is handled:

Generally, existing tests rely on test_driver.send_keys(), document.activeElement, JS .focus() and WPT assert...() functions for keyboard testing.





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