This repository was archived by the owner on Nov 6, 2019. It is now read-only.
This repository was archived by the owner on Nov 6, 2019. It is now read-only.
Record Safari Technology Preview version #617
The raw report for the latest run has "browser_version": "12.1"
. This is also what shows up on
In the UI a much more detailed version string ("Release 65 (Safari 12.1, WebKit 13607.1.5.2)") is available:
Knowing the release number (65) and when it changes is important for comparing results over time.
Unfortunately, /usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c Print /Applications/Safari\ Technology\
doesn't include the "65", but it does include "13607.1.5.2" as CFBundleVersion.
Dict { CFBundleURLTypes = Array { Dict { CFBundleURLName = Web site URL CFBundleURLSchemes = Array { http https } LSIsAppleDefaultForScheme = false LSHandlerRank = Alternate } Dict { CFBundleURLName = Local file URL CFBundleURLSchemes = Array { file } LSHandlerRank = Alternate } } NSAppleScriptEnabled = Yes CFBundleInfoDictionaryVersion = 6.0 DTPlatformVersion = GM CFBundleIconFile = technology-preview-compass CFBundleName = Safari Technology Preview DTSDKName = macosx10.13internal NSUserActivityTypes = Array { NSUserActivityTypeBrowsingWeb } NSServices = Array { Dict { NSMenuItem = Dict { default = Search With %WebSearchProvider@ } NSSendTypes = Array { public.utf8-plain-text } NSPortName = Safari NSMessage = searchWithWebSearchProvider NSKeyEquivalent = Dict { default = L } } Dict { NSMenuItem = Dict { default = Add to Reading List } NSRequiredContext = Array { Dict { NSTextContent = URL } Dict { NSLinkSchemes = Array { http https } } } NSSendTypes = Array { public.rtf public.utf8-plain-text } NSPortName = Safari NSMessage = addToReadingList } } NSPrincipalClass = BrowserApplication LSApplicationCategoryType = CFBundleDocumentTypes = Array { Dict { CFBundleTypeExtensions = Array { css } CFBundleTypeMIMETypes = Array { text/css } NSDocumentClass = BrowserDocument CFBundleTypeName = CSS style sheet CFBundleTypeIconFile = css.icns CFBundleTypeRole = Viewer LSHandlerRank = Alternate } Dict { CFBundleTypeExtensions = Array { pdf } CFBundleTypeMIMETypes = Array { application/pdf } NSDocumentClass = BrowserDocument CFBundleTypeName = PDF document CFBundleTypeIconFile = pdf.icns CFBundleTypeRole = Viewer LSHandlerRank = Alternate } Dict { CFBundleTypeExtensions = Array { webarchive } CFBundleTypeMIMETypes = Array { application/x-webarchive } LSHandlerRank = Alternate LSIsAppleDefaultForType = true NSDocumentClass = BrowserDocument CFBundleTypeName = Web archive CFBundleTypeIconFile = webarchive.icns CFBundleTypeRole = Viewer ICExtension = ARCHIVE } Dict { CFBundleTypeExtensions = Array { webbookmark } NSDocumentClass = BrowserDocument CFBundleTypeName = Safari bookmark CFBundleTypeIconFile = webbookmark.icns CFBundleTypeRole = Viewer LSHandlerRank = Alternate } Dict { CFBundleTypeExtensions = Array { webhistory } NSDocumentClass = BrowserDocument CFBundleTypeName = Safari history item CFBundleTypeIconFile = webhistory.icns CFBundleTypeRole = Viewer LSHandlerRank = Alternate } Dict { CFBundleTypeExtensions = Array { webloc } CFBundleTypeOSTypes = Array { ilht } NSDocumentClass = BrowserDocument CFBundleTypeName = Web internet location CFBundleTypeIconFile = webloc.icns CFBundleTypeRole = Viewer LSHandlerRank = Alternate } Dict { CFBundleTypeExtensions = Array { download } LSTypeIsPackage = true NSDocumentClass = BrowserDocument CFBundleTypeName = Safari download CFBundleTypeIconFile = download10.icns CFBundleTypeRole = Editor LSHandlerRank = Alternate } Dict { CFBundleTypeExtensions = Array { safariextz } CFBundleTypeMIMETypes = Array { application/x-safari-extension } LSTypeIsPackage = false NSDocumentClass = BrowserDocument CFBundleTypeName = Safari extension CFBundleTypeIconFile = safariextz.icns CFBundleTypeRole = Viewer LSHandlerRank = Owner } Dict { CFBundleTypeExtensions = Array { gif } CFBundleTypeMIMETypes = Array { image/gif } CFBundleTypeOSTypes = Array { GIFf } NSDocumentClass = BrowserDocument CFBundleTypeName = GIF image CFBundleTypeIconFile = gif.icns CFBundleTypeRole = Viewer LSHandlerRank = Alternate } Dict { CFBundleTypeExtensions = Array { html htm shtml jhtml } CFBundleTypeMIMETypes = Array { text/html } CFBundleTypeOSTypes = Array { HTML } LSHandlerRank = Alternate LSIsAppleDefaultForType = true CFBundleTypeName = HTML document NSDocumentClass = BrowserDocument CFBundleTypeIconFile = html.icns CFBundleTypeRole = Viewer ICExtension = HTML } Dict { CFBundleTypeExtensions = Array { js } CFBundleTypeMIMETypes = Array { application/x-javascript } NSDocumentClass = BrowserDocument CFBundleTypeName = JavaScript script CFBundleTypeIconFile = js.icns CFBundleTypeRole = Viewer LSHandlerRank = Alternate } Dict { CFBundleTypeExtensions = Array { jpg jpeg } CFBundleTypeMIMETypes = Array { image/jpeg } CFBundleTypeOSTypes = Array { JPEG } LSHandlerRank = Alternate NSDocumentClass = BrowserDocument CFBundleTypeName = JPEG image CFBundleTypeIconFile = jpeg.icns CFBundleTypeRole = Viewer ICExtension = JPEG } Dict { CFBundleTypeExtensions = Array { jp2 } CFBundleTypeMIMETypes = Array { image/jp2 } CFBundleTypeOSTypes = Array { jp2 } NSDocumentClass = BrowserDocument CFBundleTypeName = JPEG 2000 image CFBundleTypeIconFile = jp2.icns CFBundleTypeRole = Viewer LSHandlerRank = Alternate } Dict { CFBundleTypeExtensions = Array { txt text } CFBundleTypeMIMETypes = Array { text/plain } CFBundleTypeOSTypes = Array { TEXT } LSHandlerRank = Alternate NSDocumentClass = BrowserDocument CFBundleTypeName = Plain text document CFBundleTypeIconFile = txt.icns CFBundleTypeRole = Viewer ICExtension = TXT } Dict { CFBundleTypeExtensions = Array { png } CFBundleTypeMIMETypes = Array { image/png } CFBundleTypeOSTypes = Array { PNGf } NSDocumentClass = BrowserDocument CFBundleTypeName = PNG image CFBundleTypeIconFile = png.icns CFBundleTypeRole = Viewer LSHandlerRank = Alternate } Dict { CFBundleTypeExtensions = Array { tiff tif } CFBundleTypeMIMETypes = Array { image/tiff } CFBundleTypeOSTypes = Array { TIFF } LSHandlerRank = Alternate NSDocumentClass = BrowserDocument CFBundleTypeName = TIFF image CFBundleTypeIconFile = tiff.icns CFBundleTypeRole = Viewer ICExtension = TIFF } Dict { CFBundleTypeExtensions = Array { url } CFBundleTypeOSTypes = Array { LINK } LSIsAppleDefaultForType = true NSDocumentClass = BrowserDocument CFBundleTypeName = Web site location CFBundleTypeIconFile = url.icns CFBundleTypeRole = Viewer LSHandlerRank = Alternate } Dict { CFBundleTypeExtensions = Array { ico } CFBundleTypeMIMETypes = Array { image/x-icon } CFBundleTypeOSTypes = Array { ICO } NSDocumentClass = BrowserDocument CFBundleTypeName = Windows icon image CFBundleTypeIconFile = ico.icns CFBundleTypeRole = Viewer LSHandlerRank = Alternate } Dict { CFBundleTypeExtensions = Array { xhtml xht xhtm xht } CFBundleTypeMIMETypes = Array { application/xhtml+xml } LSHandlerRank = Alternate NSDocumentClass = BrowserDocument CFBundleTypeName = XHTML document CFBundleTypeIconFile = xhtml.icns CFBundleTypeRole = Viewer ICExtension = XHTML } Dict { CFBundleTypeExtensions = Array { xml xbl xsl xslt } CFBundleTypeMIMETypes = Array { application/xml text/xml } LSHandlerRank = Alternate NSDocumentClass = BrowserDocument CFBundleTypeName = XML document CFBundleTypeIconFile = xml.icns CFBundleTypeRole = Viewer ICExtension = XML } Dict { CFBundleTypeExtensions = Array { svg } CFBundleTypeMIMETypes = Array { image/svg+xml } NSDocumentClass = BrowserDocument CFBundleTypeName = SVG document CFBundleTypeIconFile = svg.icns CFBundleTypeRole = Viewer LSHandlerRank = Alternate } } DTSDKBuild = 17A364 CFBundleShortVersionString = 12.1 CFBundleSupportedPlatforms = Array { MacOSX } BuildMachineOSBuild = 16B2657 DTPlatformBuild = 9L95g CFBundlePackageType = APPL DTXcodeBuild = 9L95g CFBundleDevelopmentRegion = English UTExportedTypeDeclarations = Array { Dict { UTTypeConformsTo = Array { } UTTypeIdentifier = UTTypeDescription = Safari bookmark UTTypeTagSpecification = Dict { public.filename-extension = Array { webbookmark } } } Dict { UTTypeConformsTo = Array { } UTTypeIdentifier = UTTypeDescription = Safari extension UTTypeTagSpecification = Dict { public.filename-extension = Array { safariextz } } } Dict { UTTypeConformsTo = Array { } UTTypeIdentifier = UTTypeDescription = Safari history item UTTypeTagSpecification = Dict { public.filename-extension = Array { webhistory } } } } CFBundleVersion = 13607.1.5.2 CFBundleGetInfoString = 12.1, Copyright © 2003-2018 Apple Inc. NSSupportsSuddenTermination = true LSFileQuarantineEnabled = true NSSupportsAutomaticTermination = true OSAScriptingDefinition = Safari.sdef NSMainNibFile = MainMenu CFBundleIdentifier = HPDHelpProjectIdentifier = safari DTXcode = 0900 CFBundleHelpBookName = CFBundleHelpBookFolder = Application-Group = Array { dot-mac InternetAccounts } CFBundleExecutable = Safari Technology Preview NSLocationUsageDescription = Websites you visit may request your location. LSMinimumSystemVersion = 10.13.0 CFBundleSignature = stp1 DTCompiler = }
P.S. This issue is similar to web-platform-tests/wpt#13052 and web-platform-tests/wpt#13399, and the solution may be in wpt itself, but also perhaps not given that much of the Safari-specific setup is in this repo.
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