As of now the minimum supported version of Python for web-platform tests is Python 3.8. Given that this release is supported until October 2024 we should start planning to get rid of it and use at least version 3.9 which gets security updates until October 2025.
Right now such a bump would be blocked at least from Mozilla side because the wpt tests are still running on workers which have Python 3.8 installed. But over the last months newer images have been created with Python 3.10 installed and those are getting slowly rolled out. There is specifically bug 1865353 for web-platform tests.
I'm filing this as issue for now to get feedback from other vendors regarding their requirements and possible blockers. I assume that we want to keep support for all available Python versions or should we even consider bumping the minimum version to 3.10? Feedback is welcome.
CC @jgraham, @foolip, @jcscottiii, @gsnedders, @Ms2ger