Поддержите нас Патреон Бусти Плейлист со всеми эпизодами на Ютубе Speedometer 3.0 Announcing Speedometer 3.0 Firefox Safari Chrome Edge Новинки SVG Intent to Ship: SVG context-fill and context-stroke AI уходи, или NoML NoML Open Letter Artificial Intelligence Act: MEPs adopt landmark law Writingsuggestions Writingsuggestions attribute to control UA-provided writing assistance WHATWG HTML PR WebKit Chrome Зашитый alt Thoughts on embedding alternative text metadata into images Got back from a quick trip to Copenhagen TypeScript 5.4 Announcing TypeScript 5.4 Раскраска Node.js Node.js added utility for text formatting ai/nanocolors alexeyraspopov/picocolors Стриминг HTML HTML Streaming and DOM Diffing Algorithm Streaming HTML out of order without JavaScript Стриминг веб-компонентов Ответы на вопросы Srcset and sizes interaction with container queries Allow source elements to query container sizes [email protected]