What context is your feature request related to?
There is an dependencies resolving issue within SPM package in my iOS project. For example, try to add 'SwiftLint' and 'web3swift' dependencies into a package and you will see the following error message:
'Failed to resolve dependencies Dependencies could not be resolved because 'core' depends on 'swiftlint' 0.54.0..<1.0.0 and 'core' depends on 'web3swift' 3.2.0..<4.0.0.
'web3swift' is incompatible with 'swiftlint' because 'swiftlint' 0.54.0 depends on 'cryptoswift' 1.8.0..<1.9.0 and no versions of 'swiftlint' match the requirement 0.54.1..<1.0.0.
'web3swift' >= 3.2.0 practically depends on 'cryptoswift' 1.5.1..<1.6.0 because no versions of 'web3swift' match the requirement 3.2.1..<4.0.0 and 'web3swift' 3.2.0 depends on 'cryptoswift' 1.5.1..<1.6.0.'
What solution would you like?
I suggest to change min version of the 'CryptoSwift' dependency to 1.8.0
Any additional context?
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