What happened?
let httpProvider = try await Web3HttpProvider(url: URL(string: url)!, network: nil, keystoreManager: keystoreManager)
self.web3 = Web3(provider: httpProvider)
When I created WEB3, the network field was empty and the url was my locally deployed server.
Later, the NetworkID was requested through this method.
let response: String = try await APIRequest.send(, parameters: [], with: self).result
Some methods require chainID, but return networkID
public var chainID: BigUInt {
switch self {
case .Custom(let networkID): return networkID
case .Mainnet: return BigUInt(1)
case .Ropsten: return BigUInt(3)
case .Rinkeby: return BigUInt(4)
case .Goerli: return BigUInt(5)
case .Kovan: return BigUInt(42)
What are the steps to reproduce?
What is the expected behavior?
What is the error thrown?
What's the stack trace said?
OS version
Library version