This issue is dedicated to the discussion of translation of programming concepts into 文言. Please contribute by posting your translation in a comment, and the collaborators will add them to the table below. Please indicate in your comment the concept you're trying to translate, the wenyan translation (preferably in traditional Chinese), as well as a brief explanation of why you think it is a good translation. If the phrase comes from a classic, please also indicate.
The table currently only contains suggestions from #494 and #349 . Feel free to propose more rows!
Thank you very much for your contribution!
Data structures
Concept | Wenyan |
matrix | 陣 |
linked-list | 連環 |
String manipulation
Concept | Wenyan |
fromCharCode | |
fromCodePoint | |
charAt | |
charCodeAt | |
codePointAt | |
concat | |
endsWith | |
fixed | |
includes | |
indexOf | |
match | |
matchAll | |
padEnd | |
padStart | |
repeat | |
replace | |
search | |
slice | |
split | |
startsWith | |
substring | |
toLowerCase | |
toString | |
toUpperCase | |
trim | |
trimEnd | |
trimStart |