rDNS tagging seems to be broken in latest Windows release. Starting with a blank input file or wiping any existing metadata in it before writing rDNS does not make a difference, and neither does writing in place or to temp output.
For example:
AtomicParsley.exe Test.m4a --preserveTime --metaEnema
AtomicParsley.exe Test.m4a --preserveTime --rDNSatom " 00001BAB 00001CB3 000093C6 00009D77 0001145F 0001E1B9 00007C14 00007A19 000188D6 0001BB5B" name=iTunNORM
writes metadata to iTun
"atom" on domain
Testing with AtomicParsley.exe Test.m4a -t
Atom "----" [;iTun] contains: 00001BAB 00001CB3 000093C6 00009D77 0001145F 0001E1B9 00007C14 00007A19 000188D6 0001BB5B
Some quick tests show that anything beyond the first 4 chars of the atom name are being truncated. Even worse, repeating the process ends up with multiple iTun
EDIT 1: Running Windows 64-bit, tested with both AP 32 and 64. Same issue.
EDIT 2: I can confirm that this regression seems to have been introduced with the 2022 release. The 20210715.151551.e7ad03a release works as expected.