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HTML parser changes for customizable <select> #10310




What is the issue with the HTML Standard?

In order to support the stylable select aka appearance:base-select proposal, we need to make changes to the HTML parser to allow more tags inside <select>, because the current HTML parser basically throws away all tags besides <option>, <optgroup>, and <hr>.

Here are options for how we can extend the HTML parser with varying levels of web compatibility:

  1. Allow any tags within <select>
  2. Allow <button> and <datalist> tags in <select>, and allow any tags within <button> and <datalist>
  3. Allow any tags within a <select>’s <option>, <button>, or <datalist>

1. Allow any tags within <select>

Allowing any tags within <select> would be good because it is more flexible for developers since they won’t necessarily have to add a <datalist>, but it is the most breaking change of the options I listed. I added a use counter for tags which get dropped in select mode, and it is at 0.3%, which is quite high. I also looked at dozens of the websites with an experimental patch to allow any tags, and while most of them seemed unaffected by allowing anything, some of them were broken:

    This website has a <select> tag without a closing </select> tag, and it causes a bunch of the HTML to get put inside the <select> instead of being rendered/parsed after the <select>.
    This website has a <select> with additional tags inside the <option>s, but it doesn’t actually use the <select> element to render and instead has some other custom thing which appears to be reading out the DOM contents of the <select>. The dropdown in the website now has a bunch of newlines and odd content in the options.

There’s good reason to believe other sites will be affected in a similar way.

2. Allow <button> and <datalist> tags in <select>

A more web-compatible option would be to make the parser allow <button> and <datalist> in <select>, and then make the parser allow anything inside <button>/<datalist>. These tags correspond to the two visual parts of the <select> as per the explainer. I have use counters for <button> and <datalist> tags inside <select> here, and they have very low usage (0.001% and 0.0001% respectively):

These usage numbers are low enough that we would be willing to ship in chrome.

3. Allow any tags within a <select>’s <option>, <button>, or <datalist>

This is like the first option, but doesn’t allow other tags in between <option>s. Based on the sites which broke, I don’t think this would be significantly more compatible than just allowing all tags. I also think this might be confusing to developers when arbitrary content can be added inside options but not in between them unless they are all wrapped by a datalist tag.

I also looked through the commit logs of both the webkit/chromium implementation and spec (and here) in order to find out what the justification was for dropping tags inside <select>, and I didn’t find out anything useful. The implementation had minimal context here. When going through the commit log of the HTML spec, I got back to the initial commit of the git repo, which didn’t explain either.

My preference is option 2 because it has the lowest risk of breaking websites, but I have gotten feedback that requiring developers to write <datalist> is not great. Nevertheless, given this compat data I think that’s our best option for moving forward.




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