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Declarative CSS Modules - <script> vs <style> for defining modules #10710




What is the issue with the HTML Standard?

This topic is for discussion of #10673, which is a Stage 1 proposal.

Our original explainer (MSEdgeExplainers/ShadowDOM/ at main · MicrosoftEdge/MSEdgeExplainers) uses <script> tags to define Declarative CSS Modules, but consensus seems to be overwhelmingly in favor of using a <style> tag instead.

Specifically, this example:

<script type="css-module" specifier="/foo.css"> 
  #content { 
    color: red; 

Would change to this:

<style type="module" specifier="/foo.css"> 
  #content { 
    color: red; 

The type="module" attribute is necessary to prevent styles from applying to the main document by default (this was one of the reasons for using the <script> tag initially).

The HTML5 Specification explicitly only allows <script> tags to have a type attribute of either:

  1. No type attribute
  2. type="text/css"

See - this will need to be amended to include a stage for Declarative CSS Modules.

Pros for the <script> approach

  1. Alignment with HTML modules

Pros for the <style> approach

  1. Developer familiarity
  2. Tooling compatibility (e.g. syntax highlighting)

The TPAC breakout session had quite a bit of discussion on this.

The MSEdgeExplainer's GitHub also had a public comment advocating for <style> over <script> - MicrosoftEdge/MSEdgeExplainers#887 (comment)

My preference is to proceed with updating the explainer to use <style> instead of <script> unless there are any objections.




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