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Reinstate <style scoped> #4508




I've read through the discussion in #552 and I'd like to ask that you reconsider your stance on removing this from the spec. There are many use cases for scoped styles that allow pure-HTML+CSS solutions in favor of a much more restrictive Shadow DOM and/or Web Components approach, let alone the involved complexity for web authors dealing with SD.

The only reason I see that this was scrapped from the spec was because Google refused to do the work and implement it, with nothing more than some vague excuses while playing favorites for SD. Considering Edge -> Chromium is now a thing, it's basically removing a good feature in the standard because of one implementer not wanting to implement it. The general responses on #552 also clearly voted against it -- this is the kind of feedback you should be listening to because those (people actually reading discussions on github for spec changes) are the people actively working with your specs.
Of note is that these approaches are not mutually exclusive or one being better than the other -- Different use cases would call for different approaches. They have overlap, there was also talk of revisiting this kind of styling question because there is a clear need for scoped styles on the web (and in the wild) that are currently using polyfills and workarounds to achieve, while we already had a proper solution for this in <style scoped>.

FTR: Our projects building on UXP intend to keep this implementation despite it being scrapped from the spec, considering it is, in our opinion, a mistake that it was removed to begin with.

The need for this feature has not changed or diminished since 2016. Please consider undoing this mistake in the spec and reinstated scoped styling.




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