Another UX/a11y improvement for the dialog
element would be to ensure that, when in the modal state, the underlying document cannot be scrolled. This will help ensure that the invoking element for the dialog will remain in the visible viewport, and when focus is returned to the document, the viewport will not have to re-scroll to ensure this element is in view. This topic was originally surfaced by Curtis Wilcox on the web a11y slack channel.
I have created a quick demo to show how the underlying document is presently scrollable while the modal dialog is visible:
One caveat I can think of with this idea is that if an author makes a dialog that is too large for the current viewport, then the underlying document will need to be able to scroll so as to allow someone to view all the content of the dialog.
Though, one could also argue that this could be, at least partially, mitigated by setting a max-height/width to the dialog so that it does not extend beyond the bounds of the browser viewport. Authors will need to do something like this to some degree to meet wcag success criterion 1.4.10: Reflow.