Now that we have processing models defined for all the <link>
types, which are clear about which attributes are used, it might be a good idea to add conformance requirements on:
From what I can tell, these all apply if and only if the type is one of: manifest
, icon
, modulepreload
, stylesheet
, prefetch
, or preload
, except crossorigin=""
can also apply to preconnect
Right now we have weak or incorrect conformance requirements:
The crossorigin attribute is a CORS settings attribute. It is intended for use with external resource links.
The integrity attribute [...] must only be specified on link elements that have a rel attribute that contains the stylesheet, preload, or modulepreload keyword.
The referrerpolicy attribute is a referrer policy attribute. It is intended for use with external resource links.
I think we should probably do something like: define "fetched external resource links" as manifest
, icon
, modulepreload
, stylesheet
, prefetch
, or preload
, and change all of these to require that they are used only on "fetched external resource links", or in the case of crossorigin=""
, fetched external resource links + preconnect
/cc @noamr