From 197aac56c8b7fc345e7d0af9e38bf4a4a58e61bf Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Dominic Farolino
An HTML element can have specific HTML element insertion steps, HTML element - post-connection steps, and HTML element removing steps, all defined for the - element's local name.
+ post-connection steps, HTML element removing steps, and HTML element moving + steps all defined for the element's local + name.The insertion steps for the HTML Standard, given insertedNode, are defined as the following:
@@ -1861,6 +1862,29 @@ a.setAttribute('href', ''); // change the content attribute popover algorithm given removedNode, false, false, and false. +The moving steps for the HTML Standard, given + movedNode, are defined as the following:
+ +If movedNode is an element whose namespace is the HTML namespace, and this + standard defines HTML element moving steps for movedNode's local name, then run the corresponding HTML + element moving steps given movedNode.
If movedNode is a form-associated element or the ancestor of a + form-associated element, then:
+ +If the form-associated element has a form owner and the + form-associated element and its form owner are no longer in the same + tree, then reset the form owner of the form-associated + element.
A node is inserted into a document when the insertion steps are invoked @@ -3202,6 +3226,7 @@ a.setAttribute('href', ''); // change the content attribute
attributeThe source
HTML element insertion
- steps, given insertedNode, are:
The source
HTML element insertion steps, given
+ insertedNode, are:
If insertedNode's parent is a media element that has no HTMLSourceElement : HTMLElement {
mutation for the
The source
HTML element removing
- steps, given removedNode and oldParent, are:
The source
HTML element moving steps, given movedNode and
+ oldParent, are:
If movedNode's next sibling was an img
element and
+ oldParent is a picture
element, then, count this as a relevant mutation for the img
The source
HTML element removing steps, given removedNode
+ and oldParent, are:
If removedNode's next sibling was an img
element and
@@ -29427,8 +29462,8 @@ interface HTMLImageElement : HTMLElement {
page layout from shifting around after the image loads.
The img
HTML element insertion
- steps, given insertedNode, are:
The img
HTML element insertion steps, given insertedNode,
+ are:
If insertedNode's parent is a picture
element, then, count this as
@@ -29436,8 +29471,16 @@ interface HTMLImageElement : HTMLElement {
The img
HTML element removing
- steps, given removedNode and oldParent, are:
The img
HTML element moving steps, given movedNode and
+ oldParent, are:
If oldParent is a picture
element, then, count this as a relevant mutation for movedNode.
The img
HTML element removing steps, given removedNode and
+ oldParent, are:
If oldParent is a picture
element, then, count this as a
@@ -30938,9 +30981,9 @@ was an English <a href="/wiki/Music_hall">music hall</a> singer, ...
The element's referrerpolicy
state is changed.
The img
or source
HTML element insertion steps or
- HTML element removing steps count the mutation as a relevant mutation.
The img
or source
HTML element insertion steps,
+ HTML element removing steps, and HTML element moving steps count the
+ mutation as a relevant mutation.
The element's parent is a picture
element and a source
that is a previous sibling has its srcset
, MediaError {
other node is the node after pointer. Initially, let pointer be the position between the candidate node and the
next node, if there are any, or the end of the list, if it is the last node.
As nodes are inserted and removed into the media element, +
As nodes are inserted, removed, and moved into the media element, pointer must be updated as follows:
element's selectedness setting algorithm.The option
HTML element moving steps, given movedNode and
+ oldParent, are:
Run the option
HTML element removing steps given
+ movedNode and oldParent.
Run the option
HTML element insertion steps given
+ movedNode.
The optgroup
HTML element removing
steps, given removedNode and oldParent, are:
The optgroup
HTML element moving steps, given movedNode
+ and oldParent, are:
Run the optgroup
HTML element removing steps given
+ movedNode and oldParent.
If an option
element in the list of
options asks for a reset, then run that
element's selectedness setting algorithm.
attribute and an element with an ID is inserted
into or removed from the
- Document
, then the user agent must reset the form owner of that
- form-associated element.
+ Document
, or its HTML element moving steps are run, then the user agent
+ must reset the form owner of that form-associated element.
- The form owner is also reset by the HTML Standard's insertion steps and removing steps.
+The form owner is also reset by the HTML element insertion steps, + HTML element removing steps, and HTML element moving steps.
To reset the form owner of a form-associated element element:
@@ -72838,7 +72899,8 @@ console.log(plasticButton.outerHTML); // will output '<button is="plastic-but responsibility of conveying button semantics (including the ability to be disabled) might look something like this: -class TacoButton extends HTMLElement {
+ class TacoButton extends HTMLElement {
static observedAttributes = ["disabled"];
constructor() {
@@ -73151,6 +73213,70 @@ document.body.append(parent);
// CChild connectedCallback: isConnected = false
+ Preserving custom element state when moved
+ When manipulating the DOM tree, an element can be moved in the tree while connected. This applies to custom
+ elements as well. By default, the "disconnectedCallback
" and "connectedCallback
" would be called on the element, one after the other. This is
+ done to maintain compatibility with existing custom elements that predate the moveBefore()
method. This means that by default, custom
+ elements reset their state as if they were removed and re-inserted. In the example above, the impact would be that the
+ observer would be disconnected and re-connected, and the tab index would be reset.
+ To opt in to a state-preserving behavior while moving, the author can implement a "connectedMoveCallback
". The existence of this callback, even if empty, would
+ supercede the default behavior of calling "disconnectedCallback
" and "connectedCallback
". "connectedMoveCallback
" can also be an
+ appropriate place to execute logic that depends on the element's ancestors. For example:
+ class TacoButton extends HTMLElement {
+ static observedAttributes = ["disabled"];
+ constructor() {
+ super();
+ this._internals = this.attachInternals();
+ this._internals.role = "button";
+ this._observer = new MutationObserver(() => {
+ this._internals.ariaLabel = this.textContent;
+ });
+ }
+ _notifyMain() {
+ if (this.parentElement.tagName === "MAIN") {
+ // Execute logic that depends on ancestors.
+ }
+ }
+ connectedCallback() {
+ this.setAttribute("tabindex", "0");
+ this._observer.observe(this, {
+ childList: true,
+ characterData: true,
+ subtree: true
+ });
+ this._notifyMain();
+ }
+ disconnectedCallback() {
+ this._observer.disconnect();
+ }
+ // Implementing this function would avoid resetting the tab index or re-registering the
+ // mutation observer when this element is moved inside the DOM without being disconnected.
+ connectedMoveCallback() {
+ // The parent can change during a state-preserving move.
+ this._notifyMain();
+ }
Core concepts
A custom element is an element that is A collection of lifecycle callbacks
- A map, whose keys are the strings "connectedCallback
- "disconnectedCallback
", "adoptedCallback
- "attributeChangedCallback
- "formAssociatedCallback
- "formDisabledCallback
- "formResetCallback
", and "formStateRestoreCallback
- The corresponding values are either a Web IDL Function
- callback function type value, or null. By default the value of each entry is null.
+ A map, whose keys are the strings "connectedCallback
", "disconnectedCallback
", "adoptedCallback
", "connectedMoveCallback
", "attributeChangedCallback
+ "formAssociatedCallback
", "formDisabledCallback
+ "formResetCallback
", and "formStateRestoreCallback
". The corresponding values are either a Web IDL Function
callback function type value, or null. By default the value
+ of each entry is null.
A construction
@@ -73588,6 +73714,7 @@ dictionary ElementDefinitionOptions {
Let lifecycleCallbacks be the ordered map «[ "connectedCallback
" → null, "disconnectedCallback
" →
null, "adoptedCallback
" → null, "connectedMoveCallback
" → null, "attributeChangedCallback
" → null ]».
@@ -74035,6 +74162,9 @@ customElements.define("x-foo", class extends HTMLElement {
When it becomes disconnected, its disconnectedCallback
is called, with no arguments.
+ When it is moved, its connectedMoveCallback
is called, with no arguments.
When it is adopted into a new document, its adoptedCallback
is called, given the old document and new document as
@@ -74177,10 +74307,40 @@ customElements.define("x-foo", class extends HTMLElement {
data-x="concept-custom-element-definition-lifecycle-callbacks">lifecycle callbacks with
key callbackName.
+ If callbackName is "connectedMoveCallback
" and
+ callback is null:
+ Let disconnectedCallback be the value of the entry in definition's
+ lifecycle callbacks
+ with key "disconnectedCallback
+ Let connectedCallback be the value of the entry in definition's
+ lifecycle callbacks
+ with key "connectedCallback
+ If connectedCallback and disconnectedCallback are null, then
+ return.
+ -
Set callback to the following steps:
+ If disconnectedCallback is not null, then call
+ disconnectedCallback with no arguments.
+ If connectedCallback is not null, then call connectedCallback
+ with no arguments.
If callback is null, then return.
- If callbackName is "attributeChangedCallback
", then:
+ If callbackName is "attributeChangedCallback
Let attributeName be the first element of args.
From 39b3664e9e0ee00dbc3ebf4446b52d8734a5eda3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Anne van Kesteren
Date: Fri, 7 Mar 2025 15:06:05 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 2/2] wrap
source | 22 ++++++++++++----------
1 file changed, 12 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-)
diff --git a/source b/source
index eefd597e1ff..5ca3ad25168 100644
--- a/source
+++ b/source
@@ -36595,20 +36595,22 @@ interface MediaError {
pointer must be updated as follows:
- - If a new node is inserted or moved between the two nodes that define pointer
- - Let pointer be the point between the node before pointer and the new node. In other words, insertions at pointer go after pointer.
+ - If a new node is inserted or moved between the two nodes that define
+ pointer
+ - Let pointer be the point between the node before pointer and the
+ new node. In other words, insertions at pointer go after
+ pointer.
- If the node before pointer is removed
- - Let pointer be the point between the node after pointer and the node before the node after pointer. In
- other words, pointer doesn't move relative to the remaining nodes.
+ - Let pointer be the point between the node after pointer and the
+ node before the node after pointer. In other words, pointer doesn't
+ move relative to the remaining nodes.
- If the node after pointer is removed
- - Let pointer be the point between the node before pointer and the node after the node before pointer. Just
- as with the previous case, pointer doesn't move relative to the remaining
- nodes.
+ - Let pointer be the point between the node before pointer and the
+ node after the node before pointer. Just as with the previous case,
+ pointer doesn't move relative to the remaining nodes.
Other changes don't affect pointer.