From b1916b3e3650810a935aea97f543b8192b7246fb Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: zcorpan Navigate element's content
navigable to url using element's node document, with
historyHandling set to historyHandling, referrerPolicy set to referrerPolicy, and documentResource set to srcdocString.
Each Document
has an iframe load in progress flag and a mute
@@ -100390,8 +100391,10 @@ location.href = '#foo';
policy referrerPolicy (default
the empty string), an optional user navigation involvement userInvolvement (default "none
"), and an optional Element
sourceElement (default null):
sourceElement (default null), and an
+ optional boolean javascriptURLLoadEvent (default false):
Let cspNavigationType be "form-submission
" if
@@ -100567,7 +100570,8 @@ location.href = '#foo';
source given navigable's active window to
navigate to a javascript:
URL given navigable,
url, historyHandling, initiatorOriginSnapshot,
- userInvolvement, and cspNavigationType.
To navigate to a javascript:
URL, given a navigable
targetNavigable, a URL url, a history handling
behavior historyHandling, an origin initiatorOrigin, a
- user navigation involvement userInvolvement, and a string
- cspNavigationType:
Assert: historyHandling is "
url, initiatorOrigin, and userInvolvement.
If newDocument is null, then return.
+If newDocument is null, then:
+ +If loadEvent is true, then run the iframe load event steps + given targetNavigable's container.
In this case, some JavaScript code was executed, but no new
was created, so we will not perform a navigation.
sourceElement (default null), and an
optional boolean javascriptURLLoadEvent (default false):
+ data-x="navigation-javascript-url-load-event">javascriptURLLoadEvent (default
+ false):
Let cspNavigationType be "form-submission
" if