diff --git a/source b/source index 13ac7862d0c..6df562c7808 100644 --- a/source +++ b/source @@ -4165,6 +4165,7 @@ a.setAttribute('href', 'https://example.com/'); // change the content attribute x and y members
The following terms are defined in the CSS Scoping: CSSSCOPING
@@ -65501,10 +65502,20 @@ interface mixin CanvasUserInterface { undefined drawFocusIfNeeded(Path2D path, Element element); }; + +dictionary TextClusterOptions { + CanvasTextAlign align; + CanvasTextBaseline baseline; + double x; + double y; +}; + interface mixin CanvasText { // text (see also the CanvasPathDrawingStyles and CanvasTextDrawingStyles interfaces) undefined fillText(DOMString text, unrestricted double x, unrestricted double y, optional unrestricted double maxWidth); undefined strokeText(DOMString text, unrestricted double x, unrestricted double y, optional unrestricted double maxWidth); + undefined fillTextCluster(TextCluster cluster, double x, double y, optional TextClusterOptions options = {}); + undefined strokeTextCluster(TextCluster cluster, double x, double y, optional TextClusterOptions options = {}); TextMetrics measureText(DOMString text); }; @@ -65604,6 +65615,23 @@ interface TextMetrics { readonly attribute double hangingBaseline; readonly attribute double alphabeticBaseline; readonly attribute double ideographicBaseline; + + sequence<DOMRectReadOnly> getSelectionRects(unsigned long start, unsigned long end); + DOMRectReadOnly getActualBoundingBox(unsigned long start, unsigned long end); + unsigned long getIndexFromOffset(double offset); + sequence<TextCluster> getTextClusters(optional TextClusterOptions options = {}); + sequence<TextCluster> getTextClusters(unsigned long start, unsigned long end, optional TextClusterOptions options = {}); +}; + +[Exposed=(Window,Worker)] +interface TextCluster { + // opaque object + readonly attribute double x; + readonly attribute double y; + readonly attribute unsigned long start; + readonly attribute unsigned long end; + readonly attribute CanvasTextAlign align; + readonly attribute CanvasTextBaseline baseline; }; dictionary ImageDataSettings { @@ -69122,6 +69150,16 @@ try { provided, the text will be scaled to fit that width if necessary. +context.fillTextCluster(cluster, x, y [, options ])
context.strokeTextCluster(cluster, x, y [, options ])
Fills or strokes (respectively) the given text cluster as it would be positioned if the text + as a whole was rendered at the given position. The align and baseline used to render, as well as + the position of the cluster in relation to the anchor point of the while text, can be modified + with the options dictionary.
+metrics = context.measureText(text)
Returns the measurement described below.
metrics.getSelectionRects(start, end)
Returns a list of DOMRectReadOnly
objects corresponding to the selection
+ rectangles for the given range in the string.
metrics.getActualBoundingBox(start, end)
Returns a DOMRectReadOnly
that corresponds to the bounding rectangle for the
+ given range in the string.
Returns the index for the character at the given offset from the start of the text.
metrics.getTextClusters([ options ])
metrics.getTextClusters(start, end [, options ])
Return a list of TextCluster
objects, with positional data for each one.
+ They correspond to splitting the text into the minimal rendering units possible. The options
+ dictionary enables selecting a specific point to be returned for each cluster be specifying align
+ and baseline values.
A canvas fill-stroke mode is an enum that describes whether the rendered text will + be filled or stroked:
+ +The shapes are filled using this's fill style.
The shapes are traced using this's stroke style.
The fillTextCluster(cluster, x,
+ y, options)
method steps are to call the cluster
+ rendering algorithm, passing it cluster, x, y,
+ options, and the fill canvas
+ fill-stroke mode enum.
The strokeTextCluster(cluster, x,
+ y, options)
method steps are to call the cluster
+ rendering algorithm, passing it cluster, x, y,
+ options, and the stroke canvas
+ fill-stroke mode enum.
The cluster rendering algorithm is as follows. It takes as input a
+ TextCluster
cluster, a double x, a double y, a
+ TextClusterOptions
options, and a canvas fill-stroke mode
+ mode.
If the x or the y arguments are infinite or NaN, then return.
+Run the text preparation algorithm, passing it the complete text and the
+ CanvasTextDrawingStyles
from the opaque TextCluster
+ cluster. Let glyphs be the result.
Filter glyphs to include only the glyphs that correspond to code points within the range cluster["start
"] to cluster["end
Move all the shapes in glyphs to the right by x + CSS pixels and down by y CSS + pixels.
If options["x
"] exists, move all the shapes in glyphs to the right by
+ options["x
"] −
+ cluster["x
If options["y
"] exists, move all the shapes in glyphs to the right by
+ options["y
"] −
+ cluster["y
If mode is fill, let + shapes be the result of applying this's fill style to the shapes given in + glyphs.
Otherwise, if mode is stroke, let shapes be the result of
+ applying this's stroke style to the result of tracing the shapes given in glyphs using the object
+ implementing the CanvasText
interface for the line styles.
Paint shapes without affecting the current path, and subject to shadow effects, global + alpha, the clipping region, and the current compositing and blending + operator.
By setting options["x
+ and options["y
"] to 0, the cluster will
+ be rendered exactly at the position (x,y) passed to fillTextCluster()
and strokeTextCluster()
The ideographic-under
baseline. (Zero if the given baseline is the ideographic-under
getSelectionRects(start, end)
method steps are:If either start or end are less than 0, start is
+ greater or equal than the number of code points in the
+ measured text, or end is greater than the number of code points in the measured text, then throw an
+ "IndexSizeError
" DOMException
Let element be inline box returned by the
+ text preparation algorithm when measureText()
was called.
Let rects be a list of DOMRectReadOnly
Fill rects with the selection rectangles the user agent would render if the + selection was set to a range in + element, with the first included code point at the startth + position (in logical order) and the last included code point at the (end-1)th + position.
Return rects.
getActualBoundingBox(start, end)
method steps are:If either start or end are less than 0, start is
+ greater or equal than the number of code points in the
+ measured text, or end is greater than the number of code points in the measured text, then throw an
+ "IndexSizeError
" DOMException
Let glyphs be the result of the
+ text preparation algorithm when measureText()
was called.
Filter glyphs to include only the glyphs that correspond to code points within the range that includes the start + index but stops before the end index.
Return a DOMRectReadOnly
representing the bounding box of
+ glyphs.
The bounding box can be (and usually is) different from the selection + rectangles, which are based on the advance of the text. A font that is particularly slanted or + with accents that go beyond the flow of text will have a different paint bounding box.
method steps are:Let glyphs be the result of the
+ text preparation algorithm when measureText()
was called.
Let index be the character offset with the x position closest to + offset in glyphs.
Return index.
Negative values for offset are valid. Values to the left + or right of the text bounds will return 0 or the length of the text, depending on the writing + direction.
method steps are:Let start be 0.
Let end be the number of code points in the + measured text.
Return getTextClusters(start, end, options)
getTextClusters(start, end, options)
method steps are:If either start or end are less than 0, start is
+ greater or equal than the number of code points in the
+ measured text, or end is greater than the number of code points in the measured text, then throw an
+ "IndexSizeError
" DOMException
Let glyphs be the result of the
+ text preparation algorithm when measureText()
was called.
Filter glyphs to include only the glyphs that correspond to code points within the range that includes the start + index but stops before the end index.
Split the given range of the text into clusters. Each cluster represents a minimal group + of characters such that their corresponding glyphs cannot be broken down any further, and each + character in the range is part of only one cluster. If a cluster is only partially contained by + the given character range, it should still be included.
+ +Return these clusters as a list of new TextCluster
objects. These objects are
+ opaque as they encapsulate the complete text that was segmented, along with the
+ CanvasTextDrawingStyles
values that were active at the time measureText()
was called. Note that textAlign
and textBaseline
are exceptions, as they are
+ explicitly set attributes and are handled separately. Each TextCluster
object has
+ members behaving as described in the following list:
attributeThe x coordinate of the cluster, on a coordinate space using CSS pixels, with its origin at the anchor point defined by the textAlign
attribute (at the time measureText()
was called) in relation to the text
+ as a whole.
The x position specified for each cluster corresponds to the alignment point given by the
+ align
attribute of the cluster (e.g. if
+ this attribute is set to "left
", the calculated position corresponds
+ to the left
of each cluster). The
+ selection criteria for this alignment point is explained in the section for this attribute
+ of the cluster.
attributeThe y coordinate of the cluster, on a coordinate space using CSS pixels, with its origin at the anchor point defined by the textBaseline
attribute (at the time measureText()
was called) in relation to the text
+ as a whole.
The y position specified for each cluster corresponds to the alignment point given by the
+ baseline
attribute of the cluster (e.g. if
+ this attribute is set to "top
", the calculated position corresponds
+ to the top
of each cluster). The
+ selection criteria for this alignment point is explained in the section for this attribute
+ of the cluster.
attributeThe starting index for the range of code points that are + rendered as this cluster.
attributeThe index immediately after the last included index for the range of code points that are rendered as this cluster.
attributeThe align for the specific point returned for the cluster. Let it be
+ options["align
"] if it exists; otherwise, the textAlign
attribute. Note that this doesn't change
+ the origin of the coordinate system, just which point is specified for each cluster.
attributeThe baseline for the specific point returned for the cluster. Let it be
+ options["baseline
"] if it
+ exists; otherwise, the textBaseline
attribute. Note that this doesn't
+ change the origin of the coordinate system, just which point is specified for each cluster.
Glyphs rendered using fillText()
@@ -146080,6 +146409,7 @@ INSERT INTERFACES HERE
Andreas Kling,
Andrei Popescu,
Andres Gomez,
+ Andrés Ricardo Pérez Rojas,
Andres Rios,
Andreu Botella,
Andrew Barfield,