From 08076f085418750559eedba2e6ede046b66b836d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Christopher Cameron Returns an Returns an As each pixel in the data is represented by four numbers, the length of the data needs to be
a multiple of four times the given width. If the height is provided as well, then the length
@@ -70491,7 +70497,7 @@ try {
constructor steps are: Let length be the number of bytes in data. Let length be the length of data. If length is not a nonzero integral multiple of four, then throw an
imageData = new ImageData(data, sw [, sh [, settings ] ])
object using the data provided in the Uint8ClampedArray
argument, interpreted using the given
- dimensions and the color space indicated by settings.ImageData
object using the data provided in the ImageDataArray
+ argument, interpreted using the given dimensions and the color space indicated by settings.
" DOMException
This step does not set this's data to a copy of data.
- It sets it to the actual Uint8ClampedArray
- passed as data.
object passed as data.
@@ -70609,30 +70614,61 @@ try {
To initialize an ImageData
object imageData, given a
positive integer number of rows rows, a positive integer number of pixels per row
pixelsPerRow, an optional ImageDataSettings
settings, an optional Uint8ClampedArray
source, and an optional
- PredefinedColorSpace
settings, an optional
+ ImageDataArray
+ and an optional PredefinedColorSpace
If source was given, then initialize the data
attribute of imageData to
- source.
If source was given then:
+If settings was given and
+ settings["pixelFormat
+ equals "rgba-unorm8" and
+ source is not of type Uint8ClampedArray
+ then throw an "InvalidStateError
" DOMException
Otherwise (source was not given), initialize the data
attribute of imageData to a new Uint8ClampedArray
object. The Uint8ClampedArray
object must use a new Canvas
- Pixel ArrayBuffer
for its storage, and must have a
- zero start offset and a length equal to the length of its storage, in bytes. The Canvas
- Pixel ArrayBuffer
must have the correct size to
- store rows × pixelsPerRow pixels.
If settings was given and
+ settings["pixelFormat
+ equals "rgba-float16" and
+ source is not of type Float16Array
+ then throw an "InvalidStateError
" DOMException
If the Canvas Pixel ArrayBuffer
cannot be
- allocated, then rethrow the RangeError
thrown by JavaScript,
- and return.
Initialize the data
attribute of imageData to
+ source.
Otherwise (source was not given):
+If settings was given and
+ settings["pixelFormat
+ equals "rgba-unorm8", or if
+ settings was not given, then
+ initialize the data
attribute of imageData to a new
+ Uint8ClampedArray
+ The Uint8ClampedArray
+ must have a length of 4 × rows × pixelsPerRow elements,
+ must use a new ArrayBuffer
for its storage,
+ must have a byte offset of zero bytes,
+ and must have a byte length of 4 × rows × pixelsPerRow bytes.
+ If the ArrayBuffer
could not be allocated, then rethrow the
+ RangeError
thrown by JavaScript, and return.
If settings was given and
+ settings["pixelFormat
+ equals "rgba-float16", then
+ initialize the data
attribute of imageData to a new
+ Float16Array
+ The Float16Array
+ must have a length of 4 × rows × pixelsPerRow elements,
+ must use a new ArrayBuffer
for its storage,
+ must have a byte offset of zero bytes,
+ and must have a byte length of 8 × rows × pixelsPerRow bytes.
+ If the ArrayBuffer
could not be allocated, then rethrow the
+ RangeError
thrown by JavaScript, and return.
Initialize the height
attribute of imageData to
If settings was given, then initialize the
+ pixelFormat
+ attribute of imageData to
+ settings["pixelFormat
Otherwise, initialize the pixelFormat
+ attribute of imageData to
+ "rgba-unorm8".
If settings was given and settings["colorSpace
"] exists, then initialize the serialized.[[ColorSpace]].
A Canvas Pixel ArrayBuffer
is an ArrayBuffer
whose data is represented in left-to-right order, row
- by row top to bottom, starting with the top left, with each pixel's red, green, blue, and alpha
- components being given in that order for each pixel. Each component of each pixel represented in
- this array must be in the range 0..255, representing the 8 bit value for that component. The
- components must be assigned consecutive indices starting with 0 for the top left pixel's red
- component.
The ImageDataPixelFormat
enumeration is used to specify type of the
+ data
attribute of an ImageData
+ and the arrangement and numerical representation of the color channel values for each pixel.
The "rgba-unorm8
" value indicates that the
+ data
attribute of an ImageData
must be of type
+ Uint8ClampedArray.
+ The color components of each pixel must be stored in four sequential elements in the order of red, green, blue, and then alpha.
+ Each element represents the 8-bit unsigned normalized value for that component.
The "rgba-float16
" value indicates that the
+ data
attribute of an ImageData
must be of type
+ Float16Array.
+ The color components of each pixel must be stored in four sequential elements in the order of red, green, blue, and then alpha.
+ Each element represents the value for that component.
An ImageData
object represents a rectanglar bitmap
+ with width equal to the width
+ and height equal to the height
+ The pixel values of this bitmap are stored in the data
+ in left-to-right order, row by row from top to bottom, starting with 0 for the top left pixel,
+ with the order and numerical representation of the color components of each
+ pixel determined by the pixelFormat
+ The color space of the pixel values of the bitmap is determined by the
+ colorSpace
The putImageData(imageData,
@@ -70777,7 +70843,7 @@ try {
set the pixel with coordinate (dx+x,
dy+y) in bitmap to the color of the pixel at coordinate
(x, y) in the imageData data structure's
- Canvas Pixel
+ bitmap,
converted from imageData's colorSpace
to the color space of bitmap
using 'relative-colorimetric' rendering intent.
This step does not set this's data to a copy of data.
- It sets it to the actual ImageData
object passed as data.
object passed as data.
@@ -70612,8 +70612,8 @@ try {
To initialize an ImageData
object imageData, given a
- positive integer number of rows rows, a positive integer number of pixels per row
- pixelsPerRow, an optional ImageDataSettings
pixelsPerRow, a positive integer number
+ of rows rows, an optional ImageDataSettings
settings, an optional
and an optional PredefinedColorSpace
The ImageDataPixelFormat
enumeration is used to specify type of the
attribute of an ImageData
- and the arrangement and numerical representation of the color channel values for each pixel.
The "rgba-unorm8
" value indicates that the