@isonmad submitted a pull request #601 to support asymmetric default->byte TransformStream objects. Although only default->default and default->byte transforms are possible at the moment, I expect that byte->default and byte->byte will become useful in the future.
@tyoshino made this comment on #601:
This attempt clarified some issues regarding extension of TransformStream to more variants corresponding to the (current and future) RS/WS variants. So, it's really useful. Thanks. E.g. I think we don't want to make the TransformStreamController be an all-in-one class with disabled methods (e.g. the byobRequest getter). OTOH, we also don't want to have a lot of TransformStream variants defined for each combination.
The TransformStream class is basically a helper for implementing stuff following the transform streams concept and explanation of one reasonable backpressure handling. No one is disallowed to directly use the ReadableXXXStream and WritableXXXStream to build a TransformStream. I guess we shouldn't bother ourselves for maintaining a lot of wrappers.
I agree that objects-to-bytes use cases are not uncommon. But I think we should be careful not to inflate the spec. Can we componentize the TransformStream class to avoid the all-in-one controller and also avoid combinatorial explosion? Such attempt could also result in some additional complexity, but my gut feeling is we should explore that.
I think it would be good to split off discussion into this issue.