Closed as not planned
It is common to print smth parseable for the sake of pipe chaining among POSIX utils.
However, ansible-review doesn't seem to care about this:
✦ ➜ ansible-review rebuild-world.yml -q 1>/dev/null
Couldn't parse task at rebuild-world.yml:8 (no action detected in task. This often indicates a misspelled module name, or incorrect module path.
The error appears to have been in '<unicode string>': line 8, column 5, but may
be elsewhere in the file depending on the exact syntax problem.
(could not open file to display line))
{ 'eix': {'__file__': 'rebuild-world.yml', '__line__': 9, 'action': 'sync'},
'name': 'Sync portage/layman trees and index ebuilds'}
I'm building a GitHub App integration demo, which would really benefit from not having to use heuristics and manual conditional parsing to retrieve structured result data.
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