I opened the repo in gitpod and tried to build the docs.
The following are the commands I tried.
npm i pnpm
pnpm install
pnpm build
Versions of the packages
node: v16.13.2
pnpm: 6.32.1
But, the build step failing always saying
.vitepress/theme/components/global/playground/InlinePlayground.vue:265:33 - error TS2322: Type '{ class: string; }' is not assignable to type 'DetailedHTMLProps<HTMLAttributes<HTMLDivElement>, HTMLDivElement>'.
Property 'class' does not exist on type 'DetailedHTMLProps<HTMLAttributes<HTMLDivElement>, HTMLDivElement>'. Did you mean 'className'?
265 <div v-if="showPreview" class="border-l border-$windi-bc w-10em p-3 min-h-40">
Found 208 errors in 55 files.
I don't understand what I did wrong. Because the same steps are followed in github action files (ci.yml). This seems so simple, yet making my head scratch.
Please point me in the right direction to understand the issue.
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