Describe the bug
Extending the fontFamily in windicss config does not work.
The expected classes are not generated at all or incorrectly.
The font-family does not show up in the class, only the font-weight. Using font-roboto-regular does not have any styles at all.
I have described the issue a while ago in the windicss repo, but it is still a problem with these package versions:
nuxt-windicss 2.5.2
nuxt3 3.0.0-rc.10
typescript 4.8.3
vite 3.1.2
vue 3.2.39
webpack 5.74.0
To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:
- Add fonts to assets
- Add fonts.css with @font-face rules
- Extend windi config
theme: {
extend: {
fontFamily: {
'roboto-regular': ['Roboto Regular', 'sans-serif'],
'roboto-light': ['Roboto Light', 'sans-serif'],
'roboto-bold': ['Roboto Bold', 'sans-serif'],
- Try to use font family classes, e.g.
Expected behavior
Font classes should have been generated correctly and available to use.
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