Describe the bug
It seems like Windi stops working when using findIndex in classes with SvelteKit.
Only file in routes is Index.svelte. It contains:
<p class="a {[0].findIndex(i => i === 0) ? 'b' : 'c'}" />
<p class="text-red-500">No work</p>
<style windi:preflights:global windi:safelist:global>
The first line breaks any attempt at using Windi after that. This means that "No work" will not be in red text color as expected.
- The specific function findIndex(....) seems to cause the bug. Changing it to true, will fix the bug
- Using standard classes (non-windi) still works (Coloring the text using a self-defined class is fine)
- Problem only occurs if there is a class outside the brackets. Meaning if we remove class 'a' the bug doesn't appear.
- Removing class b or c has no impact on the bug.
- The absense of classes responding to a, b or c in style has no impact.
- There is no feedback from the compiler nor during runtime. Only through the lack of applied classes.
I reckon it has something to do with the type of function that findIndex is.
System Info
Windows 11 Pro Preview: Build 22523.1000
Ram: 16,0 GB
Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-8550U CPU @ 1.80GHz
Node v16.13.0
npm v8.3.0
vite: 2.7.10
rollup: 2.62.0
windicss: 3.2.1
Windicss-runtime-dom: 3.0.0
svelte-windicss-preprocess: 4.2.5
postcss: 8.4.5
svelte-kit: 1.0.0-next.212
vite-plugin-svelte: 1.0.0-next.33
Used Package Manager