In monorepo, I have two project, one component library, one app. Both use vite, windicss and vue.
The library export tree-shakable components
export {default as TestComp1} from './components/Test1.vue';
export {default as TestComp2} from './components/Test2.vue';
TestComp1 looks like this:
<div class="bg-pink-500 text-white">hello</div>
<script setup lang="ts"></script>
Then I import library component in the app
<div class="bg-purple-400">
<script setup lang="ts">
import {TestComp1} from 'windicss-lib';
and text-white
classes are not generated.
I have checked the plugin options but I did not find a solution.
If i Include the node_modules for scan, I'm afraid of ending up with too much CSS, because it will scan all the components even the ones I don't use.
indeed, if I add my lib to the scan.dir option, it is scanned as a whole, so at the end, I will have to purge the final bundle.
- vite-plugin-windicss: 0.8.2
- vite: 2.05
- framework(vue/react/svelte/etc): vue 3.0.7
Additonal Context