Gridsome: dynamic class bindings not working [Purging issue] #14
Describe the problem
In Gridsome, the following code is not working as expected (where isFalse equals false
class="mb-2 text-4xl font-medium"
:class="[isFalse ? 'text-gray-50' : 'text-gray-700']"
You'd expect text-gray-700
to be applied in this case, however, the element just inherits the parent text color without applying the class. I tried in both compiled and interpreted modes with rebuilding the app and clearing browser cache but was met with unstable behavior where about 1 in 10 times the dynamic class would be applied.
How I've installed WindiCSS
// gridsome.config.js
configureWebpack: (config) => {
test: /\.vue$/,
use: [
loader: 'vue-windicss-preprocess',
options: {
config: 'tailwind.config.js', // tailwind config file path OR config object (optional)
compile: true, // false: interpretation mode; true: compilation mode
globalPreflight: true, // set preflight style is global or scoped
globalUtility: true, // set utility style is global or scoped
prefix: 'windi-', // set compilation mode style prefix
Browser: Brave - Version 1.20.103 Chromium: 88.0.4324.152 (Official Build) (64-bit)
Using vue-windicss-preprocess
in combination with gridsome-plugin-tailwindcss
makes dynamic class bindings work just fine. I haven't found any issues with that setup besides when trying to use the windi/plugins
, which spits out a bunch of errors where it's searching for functions in tailwind and PostCSS instead of Windi CSS, leading to the app not building.
UPDATE: trying to reproduce this from scratch, the gridsome-plugin-tailwindcss
now isn't working alongside Windi as a workaround