| 1 | +--- |
| 2 | +title: "What's new in Astro - January 2024" |
| 3 | +description: "2023 was a huge year for Astro, and 2024 is already shaping up to be even bigger. Let's dive into the updates!" |
| 4 | +publishDate: "January 31, 2024" |
| 5 | +authors: |
| 6 | + - elian |
| 7 | +coverImage: "/src/content/blog/_images/whats-new-shared.webp" |
| 8 | +socialImage: "/src/content/blog/_images/whats-new-january-2024/og.webp" |
| 9 | +lang: "en" |
| 10 | +--- |
| 11 | +import ShowcaseGrid from './_whats-new-components/ShowcaseGrid.astro'; |
| 12 | +import ThemeGrid from './_whats-new-components/ThemeGrid.astro'; |
| 13 | + |
| 14 | +2023 was a huge year for Astro, and 2024 is already shaping up to be even bigger. Let's dive into the updates! |
| 15 | + |
| 16 | +## Updates from Mission Control |
| 17 | + |
| 18 | +- We have a [new channel on Discord](/chat) `#dev-integrations`, a new home for anyone building their own Astro integrations. |
| 19 | +- Starlight was nominated for a Product Hunt [open-source Golden Kitty Award](https://www.producthunt.com/golden-kitty-awards/hall-of-fame?year=2023#open-source). |
| 20 | +- We launched [The Official Astro Newsletter](/newsletter/signup). Sign up if you want to stay updated on all things happening in the Astrosphere! |
| 21 | +- Never want to miss an Astro event? [Subscribe to our Astro Community Calendar](https://calendar.google.com/calendar/embed?src=c_g6re3u5gkl0mug3ktn1dibqhfk%40group.calendar.google.com). |
| 22 | + |
| 23 | +## Releases |
| 24 | + |
| 25 | +The first month of the year has already started strong with minor releases from both Astro and Starlight 💪! |
| 26 | + |
| 27 | +- [Astro 4.1](https://astro.build/blog/astro-4/) |
| 28 | +- [Astro 4.2](https://astro.build/blog/astro-420/) |
| 29 | +- [Starlight 0.16](https://github.com/withastro/starlight/releases/tag/%40astrojs%2Fstarlight%400.16.0) |
| 30 | +- [Starlight 0.17](https://github.com/withastro/starlight/releases/tag/%40astrojs%2Fstarlight%400.17.0) |
| 31 | + |
| 32 | +## Docs |
| 33 | + |
| 34 | +New this month in both Astro and Starlight docs: dedicated community resource pages. Check out the [community-produced educational content about Astro](https://docs.astro.build/en/community-resources/content/), and the growing list of [Starlight content](https://starlight.astro.build/resources/community-content/). Catch up on some of the classic [talks, interviews, and streams](https://docs.astro.build/en/community-resources/talks/) you might have missed. |
| 35 | + |
| 36 | +Our weekly Discord call "Talking and Doc'ing" is a chance for you to watch Team Docs work in public, jump in a shared Codespace or Gitpod Workspace, and contribute to the docs live, together. This month's topics included: |
| 37 | + |
| 38 | +- **Building a new `<ReadMore />` component.** After watching Chris build, everyone on the call then jumped in the code base to help find and replace all occurrences of our old "emoji + See more at this link" pattern. |
| 39 | +- **Taking [Lunaria](https://lunaria.dev/), and its documentation, for a test drive.** We started with a new Starlight project, and finished with a site with full translation status tracking! |
| 40 | +- **File/URL structure organization.** Soon, the URLs for all our pages will actually correspond to their sidebar section! How did we not break anything with 12 people in the codebase, moving files around and updating links all at once? 🫣 |
| 41 | + |
| 42 | +## Community |
| 43 | + |
| 44 | +### HiDeoo joins Astro Core! |
| 45 | + |
| 46 | +For anyone following the development of [Starlight](https://starlight.astro.build/), HiDeoo should be no stranger! HiDeoo has been working on Starlight for quite a while and introduced some amazing features, plugins and the [`starlight-blog` theme](https://github.com/HiDeoo/starlight-blog). |
| 47 | + |
| 48 | +Welcome HiDeoo 🥳 ! |
| 49 | + |
| 50 | +### Community Awards December |
| 51 | + |
| 52 | +- 🌟 $500 to @fryuni for outstanding contributions to Astro core and participating in all areas of the community. |
| 53 | +- 🍾 $250 to @100gle for their active involvement in translating the Astro Docs into Chinese. |
| 54 | +- 🎈 $250 to @thomasbnt for their active involvement in translating the Astro Docs into French. |
| 55 | +- 🎊 $250 to @vxoblope for helpful contributions to Astro Docs and active community involvement. |
| 56 | +- 🎉 $250 to @rishirajjain for contributing to the Astro ecosystem. |
| 57 | + |
| 58 | +Check them out and learn more about the Astro Community Awards on [our community website](https://community.astro.build). |
| 59 | + |
| 60 | +## Showcase |
| 61 | + |
| 62 | +### Content |
| 63 | + |
| 64 | +Because you can never get tired of watching and reading Astro Content. |
| 65 | + |
| 66 | +- 📄 [Astro Year in Review](https://zenn.dev/morinokami/articles/astro-2023-2024) by @shf0811 |
| 67 | +- 📄 [How to Implement Feature Flags in Astro using Unleash](https://dev.to/reeshee/how-to-implement-feature-flags-in-astro-using-unleash-2fg5) by @rishirajjain |
| 68 | +- 📄 [Auto-generated Last Modified Date in Astro](https://scottwillsey.com/astro-last-modified/) by @scottwillsey |
| 69 | +- 📄 [How to achieve server islands using Astro Partials, custom elements, and Edge middleware](https://www.mayank.co/blog/server-islands) by @mayank |
| 70 | +- 📺 [From Canva to Astro: Create a Fitness Website in Astro](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0MIDLdnz8Bk) by @petitpois |
| 71 | +- 📄 [Migrating to Astro (from Next.js)](https://www.raygesualdo.com/posts/migrating-to-astro-the-beginning/) by @raygesualdo |
| 72 | +- 📄 [Adding reading time to Astro without the hassle](https://jahir.dev/blog/astro-reading-time) by @jahir |
| 73 | +- 📄 [Tutorial: Ghost CMS and Astro](https://matthiesen.xyz/blog/tutorial-ghost-cms-astro) by @adamm2047 |
| 74 | +- 📄 [Build Your own image gallery CMS](https://xata.io/blog/build-image-gallery-astro-cloudflare) by @rishirajjain |
| 75 | +- 📄 [Add sponsors to your Starlight site](https://blog.otterlord.dev/posts/starlight-sponsors/) by @otterlord.dev |
| 76 | +- 📺 [A lazy man's Obsidian + Astro workflow integration](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dz3GOp4hN50) by @nikolovlazar |
| 77 | +- 📄 [Building a Single Page Application with Astro](https://logsnag.com/blog/react-spa-with-astro) by @Sh4yy |
| 78 | +- 📄 [Adding comments to your Astro blog with Disqus](https://www.webdesign-sopelnik.de/en/blog/adding-comments-to-your-astro-blog-with-disqus/) by @konigartus |
| 79 | +- 📄 [Adding workflows to an Astro app with Inngest](https://dev.to/sylwiavargas/adding-workflows-to-an-astro-app-with-inngest-4577) by @sylwiavargas |
| 80 | +- 📄 [Basic event handling in Astro, not so straightforward!](https://www.cpr.name/blog/astro-event-handling) by @Chris | Gada Dev Team#5891 |
| 81 | +- 📺 [How to upload images with Astro and Xata](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e7UciRSdwYs) by @rishirajjain |
| 82 | +- 📄 [Dark Modes](https://www.xypnox.com/blag/posts/dark-modes/) by @xypnox |
| 83 | +- 📄 [Basic analytics with Vercel Postgres - Drizzle - Astro](https://www.thomasledoux.be/blog/basic-analytics-vercel-postgres-astro) by @tledoux |
| 84 | +- 📺 [Page Components - better than React Server Components](https://youtu.be/XA_rS_SWQZs) by @koshchei. |
| 85 | +- 📄 [The future of SSR is RSC](https://www.jseverywhere.dev/the-future-of-ssr-is-rsc/) by @colby.white |
| 86 | +- 📄 [Astro + Svelte on the Internet Computer](https://blog.icacademy.at/blog/astro-svelte-ic-starter) by @rbole |
| 87 | +- 📺 [Astro Icon just hit 1.0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tm4XMd_CL3o) by @chrispennington |
| 88 | +- 📄 [Using HTMX with Astro Partials](https://blog.trevfox.dev/posts/htmx-and-astro-partials/) by @vxoblope |
| 89 | +- 📄 [Sending mails with Astro and Nodemailer](https://oliverspeir.dev/garden/nodemailer/) by @oliverspeir |
| 90 | +- 📄 [Create a web application with Astro and Drupal](https://www.linkedin.com/posts/gambinovincenzo_create-a-web-application-with-the-astrojs-activity-7156645583347236865-YLDR/) by @vincenzogambino |
| 91 | +- 📄 [Astro API tutorial](https://www.ceos3c.com/astro/astro-api-tutorial/) by @stefanrows |
| 92 | +- 📄 [Astro Kwesforms with Rive](https://www.sitepoint.com/astro-kwesforms-rive/) by @pauliescanlon |
| 93 | +- 📄 [Take a Qwik break from React with Astro](https://thenewstack.io/take-a-qwik-break-from-react-with-astro/) by @pauliescanlon |
| 94 | + |
| 95 | +### Tips & Tools |
| 96 | + |
| 97 | +The latest community-built utilities and integrations to help you build with Astro. |
| 98 | + |
| 99 | +Don't miss [The Bag of Tricks for View Transitions](https://events-3bg.pages.dev/) 👜✨ built by Astro maintainer @martrapp for an amazing showcase of view transitions demos and patterns. Find new animations and transitions to add to your project, and submit your own ideas! |
| 100 | + |
| 101 | +Want to build your own Astro integration? Take a look at [The Astro Integration Kit](https://github.com/florian-lefebvre/astro-integration-kit) 🛠️ built by Astro maintainer @florian_lefebvre. It provides you with an easy-to-setup template, complete with documentation, to bootstrap your new integration. Get building, and join the fun in `#dev-integrations`. |
| 102 | + |
| 103 | +More tools we discovered this month include: |
| 104 | + |
| 105 | +- [imgit.dev](https://imgit.dev/) a tool to optimize images, video and YouTube embeds with a dedicated Astro integration |
| 106 | +- [npmc.dev](https://npmc.dev/) an alternative front-end for NPM by @athebigbot |
| 107 | +- [patrick91/astro-meta-tags](https://github.com/patrick91/astro-meta-tags) by @patrick.py |
| 108 | +- [Getting started with my Astro Snipcart addon](https://matthiesen.xyz/blog/getting-started-with-my-astro-snipcart-addon) by @adamm2047 |
| 109 | +- [astro-server-only-modules](https://www.npmjs.com/package/astro-server-only-modules) by @arshsx |
| 110 | +- [remark-imgattr](https://github.com/OliverSpeir/remark-imgattr) by @oliverspeir |
| 111 | +- [Astro blog integration](https://github.com/futurethemes/astro-blog) by @Jumper#8174 |
| 112 | +- [Ghost Content API JS library](https://www.npmjs.com/package/@adammatthiesen/astro-ghostcms) by @adamm2047 |
| 113 | +- [florian-lefebvre/astro-env](https://github.com/florian-lefebvre/astro-env) by @florian_lefebvre |
| 114 | +- [astro-integration-template](https://github.com/florian-lefebvre/astro-integration-template) by @florian_lefebvre |
| 115 | +- [MatthiesenXYZ/astro-ghostcms](https://github.com/MatthiesenXYZ/astro-ghostcms) by @adamm2047 |
| 116 | +- [Unpic: Astro image service](https://unpic.pics/blog/unpic-astro-image-service/) by @ascorbic. |
| 117 | +- [Lucia 3.0](https://github.com/lucia-auth/lucia) by @pilcrowonpaper |
| 118 | +- [igloczek/astro-electron](https://github.com/Igloczek/astro-electron) by @igloczek. |
| 119 | +- [astro-devtoolbar-tailwind](https://github.com/futurethemes/astro-devtoolbar-tailwind/tree/main) by @Jumper#8174 |
| 120 | + |
| 121 | +### Themes & Templates |
| 122 | + |
| 123 | +Several new Astro themes were added & released this month. Try them out! |
| 124 | + |
| 125 | +<ThemeGrid themes={['indie-astro', 'astrofy', 'starlog', 'dante', 'verve']} /> |
| 126 | + |
| 127 | +Even more templates: |
| 128 | + |
| 129 | +- [chartley-template.vercel.app](https://chartley-template.vercel.app/) by @chartley |
| 130 | +- [cosmicthemes.com/themes/demo/the-void](https://cosmicthemes.com/themes/demo/the-void/) by @lastchaos. |
| 131 | +- [Astro i18n blog starter](https://github.com/kslstn/astro-i18n-blog-starter) by @Koos |
| 132 | +- [Astrodev](https://github.com/alamguardin/astrodev) by @alamguardin |
| 133 | +- [Futurethemes: Blog - Galaxy](https://galaxy.futurethemes.io/blog) by @Jumper#8174 |
| 134 | +- [biztrox-astro.vercel.app](https://biztrox-astro.vercel.app/) by @tffahim |
| 135 | +- [Starter kit for Astro / Lucia Auth / Neon (Postgres)](https://github.com/siegerts/astro-lucia-auth-neon) by @siegerts_ |
| 136 | +- [astro-minimal.netlify.app](https://astro-minimal.netlify.app/) by @prerad |
| 137 | +- [Astro spotlight theme (WIP)](https://github.com/ak0r/astro-spotlight) by @androidak0r |
| 138 | +- [Mallen](https://github.com/hyddeos/Mallen) by @.hydde |
| 139 | +- [CaribeSky](https://github.com/AlejandroMar/CaribeSky) by @alejostereo |
| 140 | +- [drab](https://github.com/rossrobino/drab) by @rossrobino |
| 141 | + |
| 142 | +### Websites |
| 143 | + |
| 144 | +All the community member websites submitted to our Discord `#showcase` channel and featured on community calls this month. |
| 145 | + |
| 146 | +export const sites = [ |
| 147 | + { url: 'https://migueljm.vercel.app/', title: '@koe4202' }, |
| 148 | + { url: 'https://kreativan.dev/', title: '@kreativan.' }, |
| 149 | + { url: 'https://www.namchee.dev/', title: '@namchee' }, |
| 150 | + { url: 'https://starry-lens-test-space.vercel.app/)' }, |
| 151 | + { url: 'https://orlandoguevara.dev/', title: '@veryeviltomato' }, |
| 152 | + { url: 'https://658ef00fb4d60cc9fa2e6696--prismatic-pegasus-60e1c1.netlify.app/', title: '@elvaquilla4308' }, |
| 153 | + { url: 'https://creativelegazpi.ph/', title: '@heunha' }, |
| 154 | + { url: 'https://gruppoedoardo.it/', title: '@proibito04' }, |
| 155 | + { url: 'https://hellohumans.agency', title: '@sijad' }, |
| 156 | + { url: 'https://senpaiapp.com/', title: '@kjeih' }, |
| 157 | + { url: 'https://www.stevenleabo.com/', title: 'Steven Leabo' }, |
| 158 | + { url: 'https://klasnasman-wedding.netlify.app/', title: '@klas._.' }, |
| 159 | + { url: 'https://www.kevinzunigacuellar.com/', title: '@kevin ' }, |
| 160 | + { url: 'https://rng-lorypelli.vercel.app/', title: '@lory2007_' }, |
| 161 | + { url: 'https://gamers-hub-anav.netlify.app/', title: '@partiallyunblind' }, |
| 162 | + { url: 'https://www.pmcf.xyz/', title: '@freenandes' }, |
| 163 | + { url: 'https://www.davina-devs.com/', title: '@davinaleong' }, |
| 164 | + { url: 'https://www.matthiesenphotography.com/', title: '@adamm2047' }, |
| 165 | + { url: 'https://aayushbtw.pages.dev/', title: '@aayushbtw' }, |
| 166 | + { url: 'https://time.fyi/', title: '@kamranahmedse' }, |
| 167 | + { url: 'https://decentparadox.vercel.app/', title: '@sasankreddy_' }, |
| 168 | + { url: 'https://fusionauth.io/docs/' }, |
| 169 | + { url: 'https://www.gin-cruise.com/staterooms', title: '@preetam_nl' }, |
| 170 | + { url: 'https://sahillangoo.com/', title: '@sahillangoo' }, |
| 171 | + { url: 'https://somosaria.com/', title: '@coderdiaz' }, |
| 172 | + { url: 'https://sheldon.is-a.dev/', title: '@rootdebian' }, |
| 173 | + { url: 'https://ibratfarzandlari.uz/', title: '@zhondori' }, |
| 174 | + { url: 'https://cassidysmith.dev/photos', title: '@prounk' }, |
| 175 | + { url: 'https://aay7ush.netlify.app/', title: '@iaay7ush' }, |
| 176 | + { url: 'https://revenzmind.vercel.app/', title: '@revenzmind' }, |
| 177 | + { url: 'https://www.drettihub.com/', title: '@thatchr1s' }, |
| 178 | + { url: 'https://playlist-ed.netlify.app/', title: '@z.o.rro' }, |
| 179 | + { url: 'https://jongander.com/', title: '@living_mice' }, |
| 180 | + { url: 'https://www.baalgirisimcilik.com/', title: '@akif6464' }, |
| 181 | + { url: 'https://www.found.social/', title: '@skrrr_skrrr' }, |
| 182 | + { url: 'https://vivalaselva.org/', title: '@alejostereo' }, |
| 183 | + { url: 'https://portfolio.lostis-world.com/', title: '@_losti' }, |
| 184 | + { url: 'https://loige.co/', title: '@loige.co' }, |
| 185 | + { url: 'https://master--delicate-babka-8c6a53.netlify.app/', title: '@novaiustus' }, |
| 186 | + { url: 'https://12steps.vercel.app/', title: '@ilnur4715' }, |
| 187 | + { url: 'https://time-bar.pages.dev/', title: '@aayushbtw' }, |
| 188 | + { url: 'https://blog.trevfox.dev/', title: '@vxoblope' }, |
| 189 | + { url: 'https://www.manveerbhullar.com/', title: '@._no.name_.' }, |
| 190 | + { url: 'https://komponents-v2.netlify.app/', title: '@k16e.co' }, |
| 191 | + { url: 'https://astro-ghostcms.xyz/', title: '@adamm2047' }, |
| 192 | + { url: 'https://medito-fundraising.pages.dev/', title: '@jeromeabel' }, |
| 193 | + { url: 'https://thesobercoder.in/', title: '@thesobercoder' }, |
| 194 | + { url: 'https://foxdenwebblog.netlify.app/', title: '@triptych1313' }, |
| 195 | + { url: 'https://risingstars.js.org/2023/en', title: '@michaelrambeau' }, |
| 196 | + { url: 'https://anishshobithps.com/', title: '@anishshobithps' }, |
| 197 | + { url: 'https://jaws-streaming.com/en/', title: '@getninjan' }, |
| 198 | + { url: 'https://oezguerisbert.com/', title: '@oetzi.dev' }, |
| 199 | + { url: 'https://vighnesh153.dev/', title: '@vighnesh153' }, |
| 200 | + { url: 'https://www.netlify.com/' }, |
| 201 | + { url: 'https://corvu.dev/docs/', title: '@giyomoon' }, |
| 202 | + { url: 'https://fig.moinulmoin.com/', title: '@moinulmoin' }, |
| 203 | + { url: 'https://candost.blog/', title: '@_candost' }, |
| 204 | + { url: 'https://www.flurium.com/', title: '@koshchei.' }, |
| 205 | + { url: 'https://www.v-mokhun.com/', title: '@v.mokhun' }, |
| 206 | + { url: 'https://2024.lincolnhack.org/', title: '@bobson6345' }, |
| 207 | + { url: 'https://xstatebyexample.com/', title: '@devessier' }, |
| 208 | + { url: 'https://openstove.org/', title: '@soslan117' }, |
| 209 | + { url: 'https://ktym4a.me/', title: '@ktym4a_01942' }, |
| 210 | + { url: 'https://lorefrog.com/', title: '@evanfuture' }, |
| 211 | + { url: 'https://bloombacker.com/', title: '@jumpingback' }, |
| 212 | +]; |
| 213 | + |
| 214 | +<ShowcaseGrid items={sites} /> |
| 215 | + |
| 216 | +### Starlight in the wild |
| 217 | + |
| 218 | +Take a peek at the new Starlight sites that we discovered this month. |
| 219 | + |
| 220 | +export const starlightSites = [ |
| 221 | +{ url: 'https://flystorage.dev/' }, |
| 222 | +{ url: 'https://crawler.siteone.io/', title: '@ag3nttcz' }, |
| 223 | +{ url: 'https://vpnwide.com/', title: '@stark0913' }, |
| 224 | +{ url: 'https://sanabel-al-firdaws.github.io/en/', title: '@raygesualdo' }, |
| 225 | +{ url: 'https://sonar-team.github.io/doc/', title: '@akmot' }, |
| 226 | +{ url: 'https://ahastack.dev/', title: '@flaviocopes' }, |
| 227 | +{ url: 'https://docs.dgm.sh/guides/introduction/', title: 'Minkyu Lee' }, |
| 228 | +{ url: 'https://gql-tada.0no.co/', title: 'Ohno Co' }, |
| 229 | +{ url: 'https://crecto.dev/' }, |
| 230 | +{ url: 'https://astro-integration-kit.netlify.app/', title: '@florian_lefebvre' }, |
| 231 | +{ url: 'https://minecraft-essentials.github.io/', title: '@eveeifyeve' }, |
| 232 | +{ url: 'https://space307.github.io/pure-index/', title: '@viktor_07827' }, |
| 233 | +{ url: 'https://dotenv.run/', title: 'chihab' }, |
| 234 | +{ url: 'https://nacos.io/docs/latest/what-is-nacos/', title: 'Alibaba Open Source' }, |
| 235 | +{ url: 'https://gibbok.github.io/typescript-book/', title: 'gibbok' }, |
| 236 | +]; |
| 237 | + |
| 238 | +<ShowcaseGrid items={starlightSites} /> |
| 239 | + |
| 240 | +*Want to be on this list next month? Post your Astro websites, projects, apps, tools, blog posts, demos, and videos in our `#showcase` channel in [our Discord](https://astro.build/chat)!* |
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