Astro Info
Astro v5.4.2
Node v20.16.0
System macOS (arm64)
Package Manager npm
Output static
Adapter none
Integrations @astrojs/react
If this issue only occurs in one browser, which browser is a problem?
Chrome, Firefox
Describe the Bug
During development, when updating a CSS property that resides in an imported file, the HMR never updates the page. Therefore, the new value never gets applied.
BTW, the CSS file is imported within Astro's frontmatter.
I tested older Astro versions to see when the issue began. It appears, Astro v4.16, was the last working version. The bug appears from v 5.0.0 in my testing.
Discussion in Discord.
While there is a similar issue open, #12275 – this is not the same issue I'm facing.
What's the expected result?
The page should update when the CSS has changed from any imported file.
Link to Minimal Reproducible Example
- I am willing to submit a pull request for this issue.