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Actions context callAction exists and can call another Actions #13394




Astro Info

Astro                    v5.4.2
Node                     v22.13.1
System                   macOS (arm64)
Package Manager          npm
Output                   server
Adapter                  none
Integrations             @astrojs/react

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Describe the Bug

I'm building my a new project with Astro Actions to work very similar to a tRPC project that I have.

After some tests, I found out that the context argument from the handler function doesn't have the callAction method (by types). It's fine (kind of), but it have hit like a missing feature and doesn't convinced me at the time. So, after some research I found this issue opened last month with the same kind of problem. The OP there said that he couldn't call the callAction method, as the types intended.

error ts(2339): Property 'callAction' does not exist on type 'ActionAPIContext'.

But, I just tested it, and, for some reason, worked. I don't know why, but I tested with some examples and all seems to work fine.

For context, in the Minimal Reproducible Example I'm showing two actions being called inside a third action and the results are rendered in index page.

I'm not too deep in the codebase, but I think the method exists here but it's omited here.

So, the question is: Is this intended to work but for some reason the types were just left there? Or, if this is a bug, it's safe to use? This resolves a lot of things for me and it's a great feature to have.

What's the expected result?

Following the type system, the context inside action handlers doesn't have a callAction method. But, after some tests, it seems to have the method.

Link to Minimal Reproducible Example


  • I am willing to submit a pull request for this issue.





- P3: minor bugAn edge case that only affects very specific usage (priority)feat: actionsRelated to Astro actions (scope)


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