Astro Info
Astro v5.4.3
Node v22.5.1
System Linux (x64)
Package Manager npm
Output static
Adapter none
Integrations none
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Describe the Bug
i'm trying to avoid the interactive screen when doing adding an astro integration
this doesn't work
when doing
npx astro add --help
i get this output
astro add [...integrations] [...adapters]
--yes Accept all prompts.
--help Show this help message.
but it still prompts me
npx astro add astro-compressor --yes
⚠ astro-compressor is not an official Astro package.
? Continue? › (Y/n)
is it because it's a community integration?
ps i can't really reproduce it with StackBlitz coz nothing actually gets installed, the problem is i want to get rid of the interactive screen when installing an integration
What's the expected result?
no prompt when using the --yes flag with astro add
Link to Minimal Reproducible Example
- I am willing to submit a pull request for this issue.