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I was sent here by Automattic #169




Hi all,

I am interested in this project. A support rep from Automattic said that "This [project] was slowed down for a bit but I think is going to be picked up again."

Recent updates to woocommerce have greatly improved the front end response.

Back end creating new products or updating products slows with large numbers of products - for me.

I'm busy migrating a client's catalog from a bespoke system to woocommerce. I've got a test site up and running and imported part of the catalog (without images). Initially the rate was about 90 products per minute. Perfectly acceptable. I've got up to 150,000+ products and the rate has slowed down to about 15 per minute. Starting to become painful to manually add products. Hopefully the slowdown isn't exponential.

On the front end I'm just using the Shopfront theme and once I thinned out the front page, mostly losing the catalog block, it still refreshes in a couple of seconds and so do individual product pages and the search is reasonably quick. So all good. No fancy plugins, trying to keep it minimal.

Looking at the database the issue appears to be a combination of the size of the postmeta table (3,102,853 rows) and that _SKU is a value in meta_key. Or should I say: over 1500,000 values in meta_key.

A simple search to bring back a unique SKU:

SELECT * FROM wp_postmeta WHERE meta_key="_sku" AND meta_value ="Fujitsu-618270"

Showing rows 0 - 0 (1 total, Query took 2.3573 seconds.)

Same server, different Wordpress install with Woocommerce only 785 rows in postmeta

SELECT * FROM wp_postmeta WHERE meta_key="_wp_attached_file" AND meta_value ="2020/01/****-Antique-Shop-Tags-1.jpg"

Showing rows 0 - 0 (1 total, Query took 0.0014 seconds.)

I took a quick look at the proposed table taking the woocommerce values out of post meta (I think I saw about 19 values for each product in my database) is a fantastic idea. Could you add a key to the sku field? I believe it is supposed to be a unique value in woocommerce so looks like it gets checked when a product is added or edited.

And, of course, is there anything I can do to help?






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