Configuration folder is created under $HOME/SmartDashboard #131
This clogs up the $HOME directory. Discussions with others in the FIRST Robotics Discord server suggested the ~/wpilib/<year>/tools/SmartDashboard
This is set with
This can be fixed with the following code (for the former at least)
public class DashboardPrefs implements PropertyHolder {
private static final File USER_HOME = new File(System.getProperty("user.home"));
- private static final File USER_SMARTDASHBOARD_HOME = new File(USER_HOME, "SmartDashboard");
+ private static final String WPILIB_YEAR = "2020";
+ private static final File USER_WPILIB_HOME = new File(USER_HOME, "wpilib/" + WPILIB_YEAR);
+ private static final File USER_SMARTDASHBOARD_HOME = new File(USER_WPILIB_HOME, "/tools/SmartDashboard");
However, SmartDashboard does not seem to store a version number anywhere. I am not experienced enough with Java to figure out how to include this and would ask someone to point me in the right direction or (much easier) just add it themselves.
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