How can I use Proguard to confuse several specified jars and output them in the original path after obfuscation? How can I implement it as follows?
My Maven structure is as follows:
a-main package
b-tool package
c-business package
I use spring boot, and after packaging, all dependencies in spring boot will be placed in the lib directory
The desired result is to confuse a, b, and c, and then generate the corresponding packages in the original way after the obfuscation code as follows:
a-main package After obfuscation, all resources in package a are output to package a for overwriting. At this time, package a is already obfuscated
b-tool package After obfuscation, all resources in package b are output to package a for overwriting. At this time, package b is already obfuscated
c-business package After obfuscation, all resources in package c are output to package a for overwriting. At this time, package c is already obfuscated
Looking at the proguard documentation, you can use multiple injars and outjars, but an error will be reported through the proguard-maven-plugin in the proguard.cfg configuration file
-injars a.jar
-injars lib\b.jar
-injars lib\c.jar
-outjars a.jar(com/a/**)
-outjars lib\b.jar(com/b/**)
-outjars lib\c.jar(com/c/**)
I have also tried the following and it doesn't seem to work:
refer to: