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Site Builds

Kyle Johnson edited this page Feb 28, 2021 · 12 revisions

Automatic Builds

Site builds for the live site are done automatically whenever something is pushed to the main repo. Once we get things up and running, the staging site will be built anytime anything is pushed to staging. We are employing Netlify's Gatsby caching mechanism to do differential builds, so only pages that are updated are rebuilt. That generally means a given build will only take a couple of minutes.

Netlify has a bot that monitors builds. If you request a number of builds back-to-back (like editing a bunch of blog posts quickly), the bot will hold all the changes until there haven't been any for a few minutes. Then it will build everything once. So if you did a bunch of edits and are wondering why the site hasn't rebuilt yet, that's probably why. Wait a few minutes, and the system should catch up.

Manual Builds

If you need to manually build the site for some reason, that has to be done from the admin console at


About this wiki
Information on Site Builds

Routine Editing

Blog Posts
Download Distributions
Store Items
Featured Add-Ons

Advanced Editing

Installing GatsbyJS Locally
Notes on Editing Pages

Dynamic Content


Site Template

coming soon

Custom JSX Modules

coming soon

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