Describe the bug
tweets are being returned that fall outside the start-time and end-time arguments. Call below returned tweets back to 2011
To Reproduce
/usr/local/bin/ --query "istandwithrussia OR istandwithputin" --filename-prefix ~/standwith.json --no-print-stream --start-time "2022-02-20 00:01" --end-time "2022-05-17 13:52" --expansions=author_id,entities.mentions.username,geo.place_id,in_reply_to_user_id,, --tweet-fields=id,author_id,created_at,text,geo,entities --user-fields=location,description,public_metrics,username --results-per-call=500
Expected behavior
Tweets returned that have created_at attribute between the specified dates.
Ubuntu 20.04
Python version 3.6
Additional context
I am an academic API user and this may be defaulting to historical search, but don't know if there is a way to tell or specify otherwise.