Please follow this deployment guide to configure the environment and start the application.
- Environment Information
- Create and setup virtual environment
- Install packages
- Before Start App
- Start app
It is recommended to use a virtual environment and use conda as the manager. This guide will use conda as the environment management tool.
If you decide to use conda, make sure only use conda to install packages. DO NOT use conda and pip at the same time, this will cause inaccessible dependency conflicts.
This project uses Python and the following packages are needed (if you do not need LLM feature, then you only need to install the basic dependencies):
- Basic dependencies
- flask=2.2.2
- numpy=1.26.9
- pandas=2.1.1
- scikit-learn=1.3.0 (conda-forge)
- xgboost=2.0.3 (conda-forge)
- lightgbm=4.1.0
- mapie=0.8.2 (conda-forge)
- joblib=1.2.0
- weasyprint=61.2 (conda-forge) (macOS and Linux only!)
- pdfkit=1.0.0 (pip) (Windows only!)
- Advanced dependencies
- torch=1.13.1
- transformers=4.37.1 (conda-forge)
- Unit-Test dependencies
- pytest=8.1.1 (conda-forge)
Please note that the requirements.txt and environment.yml is only for development purpose and macOS x86_64 only.
First create a new env.
conda create --name AVM python=3.9
You can use other python version, but python 3.9 is recommended and pre-tested.
And activate conda env by:
conda activate AVM
Same version and source channel is recommended and pre-tested. The following commands only for basic user (exclude torch and transformers).
Use the following commands to complete the installation of all dependencies:
conda install flask=2.2.2 pandas=2.1.1
conda install scikit-learn=1.3.0 xgboost=2.0.3 lightgbm=4.1.0 mapie=0.8.2 joblib=1.2.0 weasyprint=61.2 -c conda-forge
You should download and install this tool before setup python related dependencies. Simply download exe file from website, and install.
Add wkhtmltopdf installed path to your system path. If it was installed with default settings, the path should be:
C:\Program Files\wkhtmltopdf\bin # Replace with your path
Use the following commands to complete the installation of python related dependencies:
conda install flask=2.2.2 pandas=2.1.1
conda install scikit-learn=1.3.0 xgboost=2.0.3 lightgbm=4.1.0 mapie=0.8.2 joblib=1.2.0 -c conda-forge
python -m pip install pdfkit==1.0.0
In versions 4.0 and newer, object files have been added to mainline tracking, so no additional configuration is required.
You can check object files in following directory:
In versions 4.0 and newer, the working folder will be automatically configured and checked by the program, so you do not need to configure it manually.
In versions 4.0 and newer, the program will automatically check the import of all dependent packages. If there are missing dependencies, an exception prompt will be provided in the terminal, and the program will exit automatically. If you encounter such problems, please follow the prompts to check the dependency installation.
The host and port is set as local ( as default. If you want to deploy this software to real server, you must change the host and port settings in the last line of
For general purpose, set host to "" and port to "80" (http) or port "443" (https).
Here is the example: # default setting"", port=80, debug=False) # http setting
The start point of this application is Make sure conda env is activated:
conda activate AVM # replace AVM to your env name.
Assuming you are in the root directory, use this command to start the app:
cd Interface
DO NOT directly start app in root directory:
python Interface/ # DO NOT directly start app in root directory
If the dependencies and project configuration are normal, it has been successfully started.