I'm trying to run yo
on local repositories without going through npm link
and the like. This actually works fine if you pas a path to yo
that does exist:
git clone
yo ./generator-generator/app/index.js
# (after deprecation warnings)
? Your generator name (generator-yotest)
But if a relative path that doesn't exist is passed, the error message is misleading:
yo ./does/not/exist.js
Error ./does/not/exist.js
You don't seem to have a generator with the name “undefined” installed.
But help is on the way:
You can see available generators via npm search yeoman-generator or via
Install them with npm install undefined.
To see all your installed generators run yo --generators. Adding the --help option will also show subgenerators.
If yo cannot find the generator, run yo doctor to troubleshoot your system.
Proposal: let's have yo
give a specialized error message for a relative path that does not exist? Maybe:
Error ./does/not/exist.js
The local generator "./does/not/exist.js" does not exist.
Double-check that that local path exists. If yo still cannot find the generator, run yo doctor to troubleshoot your system.