description |
Make your app faster. |
When a component receives props from its parent component, the change
method is called. This, in addition to allowing you to update the component's state, also allows you to return a ShouldRender
boolean value that indicates if the component should re-render itself in response to the prop changes.
Re-rendering is expensive, and if you can avoid it, you should. As a general rule, you only want to re-render when the props actually changed. The following block of code represents this rule, returning true
if the props differed from the previous props:
fn change(&mut self, props: Self::Properties) -> ShouldRender {
if self.props != &props {
*self.props = props;
} else {
But we can go further! This is six lines of boilerplate can be reduced down to one by using a trait and a blanket implementation for anything that implements PartialEq
{% code title="" %}
pub trait NeqAssign {
fn neq_assign(&mut self, new: Self) -> ShouldRender;
impl<T: PartialEq> NeqAssign for T {
fn neq_assign(&mut self, new: T) -> ShouldRender {
if self != &new {
*self = new;
} else {
// ...
fn change(&mut self, props: Self::Properties) -> ShouldRender {
{% endcode %}
The trait is called NeqAssign
because it assigns the new value if the target and new value aren't equal.
This is even shorter than the naive implementation:
// Don't do this, unless you can't avoid it.
fn change(&mut self, props: Self::Properties) -> ShouldRender {
self.props = props;
You aren't limited to using this in the change
function. It often makes sense to do this in the update
function as well, although the performance wins aren't as obvious there.
wee_alloc is a tiny allocator that is much smaller than the allocator that is normally used in Rust binaries. Replacing the default allocator with this one will result in smaller WASM file sizes, at the expense of speed and memory overhead.
The slower speed and memory overhead are minor in comparison to the size gains made by not including the default allocator. This smaller file size means that your page will load faster, and so it is generally recommended that you use this allocator over the default, unless your app is doing some allocation-heavy work.
// Use `wee_alloc` as the global allocator.
static ALLOC: wee_alloc::WeeAlloc = wee_alloc::WeeAlloc::INIT;
In an effort to avoid cloning large chunks of data to create props when re-rendering, we can use smart pointers to only clone the pointer instead. If you use Rc<_>
s in your props and child components instead of plain unboxed values, you can delay cloning until you need to modify the data in the child component, where you use Rc::make_mut
to clone and get a mutable reference to the data you want to alter. By not cloning until mutation, child components can reject props identical to their state-owned props in Component::change
for almost no performance cost, versus the case where the data itself needs to be copied into the props struct in the parent before it is compared and rejected in the child.
This optimization is most useful for data types that aren't Copy
. If you can copy your data easily, then it probably isn't worth putting it behind a smart pointer. For structures that can contain lots of data like Vec
, HashMap
, and String
, this optimization should be worthwhile.
This optimization works best if the values are never updated by the children, and even better, if they are rarely updated by parents. This makes Rc<_>s
a good choice for wrapping property values in for pure components.
For code readability reasons, it often makes sense to migrate sections ofhtml!
to their own functions so you can avoid the rightward drift present in deeply nested HTML.
Pure components are components that don't mutate their state, only displaying content and propagating messages up to normal, mutable components. They differ from view functions in that they can be used from within the html!
macro using the component syntax (<SomePureComponent />
) instead of expression syntax ({some_view_function()}
), and that depending on their implementation, they can be memoized - preventing re-renders for identical props using aforementioned neq_assign
Yew doesn't natively support pure or function components, but they are available via external crates.
Function components don't exist yet, but in theory, pure components could be generated by using proc macros and annotating functions.
Arguabley, the largest drawback to using Yew is the long time it takes to compile. Compile time seems to correlate with the quantity of code found within html!
macro blocks. This tends to not be a significant problem for smaller projects, but for webapps that span multiple pages, it makes sense to break apart your code across multiple crates to minimize the amount of work the compiler has to do.
You should try to make your main crate handle routing/page selection, move all commonly shared code to another crate, and then make a different crate for each page, where each page could be a different component, or just a big function that produces Html
. In the best case scenario, you go from rebuilding all of your code on each compile to rebuilding only the main crate, and one of your page crates. In the worst case, where you edit something in the "common" crate, you will be right back to where you started: compiling all code that depends on that commonly shared crate, which is probably everything else.
If your main crate is too heavyweight, or you want to rapidly iterate on a deeply nested page (eg. a page that renders on top of another page), you can use an example crate to create a more simple implementation of the main page and render your work-in-progress component on top of that.