The Architecture SIG maintains and evolves the design principles of Kubernetes, and provides a consistent body of expertise necessary to ensure architectural consistency over time.
The charter defines the scope and governance of the Architecture Special Interest Group.
- Regular SIG Meeting: Thursdays at 19:00 UTC (biweekly). Convert to your timezone.
- code organization Office Hours: Thursdays at 14:00 PT (Pacific Time) (biweekly). Convert to your timezone.
- conformance Office Hours: Tuesdays at 12:00 PT (Pacific Time) (weekly). Convert to your timezone.
The Chairs of the SIG run operations and processes governing the SIG.
- Brian Grant (@bgrant0607), Google
- Derek Carr (@derekwaynecarr), Red Hat
- Davanum Srinivas (@dims), VMware
- Jaice Singer DuMars (@jdumars), Google
- Matt Farina (@mattfarina), Samsung SDS
- Slack: #sig-architecture
- Mailing list
- Open Community Issues/PRs
- GitHub Teams:
- @kubernetes/sig-architecture-api-reviews - API Changes and Reviews
- @kubernetes/sig-architecture-bugs - Bug Triage and Troubleshooting
- @kubernetes/sig-architecture-feature-requests - Feature Requests
- @kubernetes/sig-architecture-misc-use-only-as-a-last-resort - General Discussion
- @kubernetes/sig-architecture-pr-reviews - PR Reviews
- @kubernetes/sig-architecture-proposals - Design Proposals
- @kubernetes/sig-architecture-test-failures - Test Failures and Triage
The following subprojects are owned by sig-architecture:
- Owners:
- Owners:
- Contact:
- Slack: #k8s-code-organization
- Owners:
- Contact:
- Slack: #k8s-conformance
- GitHub Teams:
Establishing and documenting design principles, documenting and evolving the system architecture, reviewing, curating, and documenting new extension patterns
Establishing and documenting conventions for system and user-facing APIs, define and operate the APl review process, final API implementation consistency validation, co-own top-level API directories with API machinery; maintaining, evolving, and enforcing the deprecation policy
- Kubernetes Design and Architecture
- Design principles
- API conventions
- API Review process
- Deprecation policy
Please see the API Reviews tracking board to follow the work of this sub-project. Please reach out to folks in the OWNERS file if you are interested in joining this effort.
Reviewing, approving, and driving changes to the conformance test suite; reviewing, guiding, and creating new conformance profiles
Please see the Conformance Test Review tracking board to follow the work for this sub-project. Please reach out to folks in the OWNERS file if you are interested in joining this effort. There is a lot of overlap with the Kubernetes Software Conformance Working Group with this sub project as well. The github group cncf-conformance-wg enumerates the folks on this working group. Look for the area/conformance
label in the kubernetes repositories to mark issues and PRs
Overall code organization, including github repositories and branching methodology, top-level and pkg OWNERS of kubernetes/kubernetes, vendoring
Please see the Code Organization tracking board to follow the work of this sub-project. Please reach out to folks in the OWNERS file if you are interested in joining this effort. Look for the area/code-organization
label in the kubernetes repositories to mark issues and PRs. We also use area/dependency
label as well issues and PRs.