Develop a standard foundation (philosophy and libraries) for core Kubernetes components to build on top of. Areas to standardize include configuration (flags, ComponentConfig APIs, ...), status endpoints (healthz, configz, ...), integration points (delegated authn/z, ...), and logging. Details are outlined in KEP 0032:
- SIG API Machinery
- SIG Architecture
- SIG Cluster Lifecycle
- Regular WG Meeting (please join [email protected] or [email protected] to access the notes): Tuesdays at 08:30 PT (Pacific Time) (weekly). Convert to your timezone.
- Michael Taufen (@mtaufen), Google
- Leigh Capili (@stealthybox), Weaveworks
- Dr. Stefan Schimanski (@sttts), Red Hat
- Slack: #wg-component-standard
- Mailing list
- Open Community Issues/PRs
- GitHub Teams:
- @kubernetes/wg-component-standard - Component Standard Discussion