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  • Exit Tickets
  • Unit 2 Project


Coders will…

  1. Declare a function that returns a value.
  2. Declare a function that takes parameters.
  3. Create an array and retrieve an array element using the index.
  4. Complete a project plan.
  5. Create for loops in Javascript to iterate over an array.
  6. Create forEach loops in Javascript to iterate over an array.
  7. Use array methods in order to modify an array.
  8. Use JavaScript to create and access data from an object.
  9. Use objects to refactor the playlist project.
  10. Use JavaScript to update properties and values in an object.


JS: function, input, output, parameters, argument, declaration, call, return statement, arrow functions, array, element, index, for loops, forEach loops, iterate, array methods, .push(), .length, .createElement, .appendChild, object, property, key, value, dot notation, bracket notation, refactor

Project Overview

In this unit, coders will create a playlist web app. The playlist will display a list of information about different songs with images and links to play the songs. To create this project, coders will create arrays to hold song information, use a loop to iterate over the arrays, and display data to the screen. They will use .push() to add new songs to their playlist. Then, coders will refactor their project to using objects instead of arrays to hold their data.

Project Materials