[Question] Insufficient data for unserializing #64
Hello, maybe someone will be able to help me. I'm trying to save UserEntity (simple getters and setters, 1:1 mapping to db table, no extra methods or logic) into SessionArrayStorage, save handler is db table (session value column - text without length restrictions).
When I just simply put stdClass from getResultRowObject of Zend Authentication into storage, everything works fine. But when I hydrate stdClass into UserEntity, data inside DB value column is truncated:
...{s:7:"storage";O:23:"User\Entity\UserEntity":6:{s:36:" <- session value ends here
and warnings are generated: PHP Warning: Insufficient data for unserializing
, Warning: session_start(): Failed to decode session object. Session has been destroyed
I've disabled DB storage and serialized data inside sess_xxx file was complete, getIdentity returned full UserEntity object. So, are there some restrictions when using DB storage and automatic serialization or is it my fault somewhere?