From the wording is a little unclear about how to begin to contribute. I am simply looking to recreate what is there locally on my machine and to understand how to begin using ZeroMQ period. I did a git clone --depth=1 and started thumbing through .txt files in a VSCode instance. I realized that I should have a means to view these, so I attempted a command-o in chrome.
Then I realized I need to make a server and run it locally. Pressed for time is no way to try and understand how to best read this, granted, but I am. I have a CS degree and understand C (I'm no guru by any means) so I really appreciated the fact that the documentation uses it. I have been learning a few other languages (mainly concepts that tie them all together, really), found Jupyter Notebooks uses ZeroMQ and solves the #1 issue in my mind for YEARS- use any language any time, and communicate between languages easily (from your docs and my head) including crawling over mounds of documentation to get there. If anyone could assist I could use help figuring out the best way to separate out a few tasks:
- What is the "main" document to read that I may also start creating a hello world with?
- Strategy to move from C to say Python then C++. I have been studying wxpython a little and want to make some diagnostics for system administrators that can be placed on a bus to communicate to any app in any language. Mainly for viewing custom metrics like elb cpu consumption in real time, etc. Just a better HTOP and one that I made, that others can easily replicate. It may be that the previous system adminstrator wrote a bunch of scripts in python and now one may be faced with the task of picking up where they left off... who knows.
Obviously this means knowing Linux Containers on an intimate level, so I spent some time digging through Docker and how that may help me tie all this overwhelming piles of hello worlds into something cohesive is still revealing itself daily. I am fortunate to have been able to dedicate blocks of time to this, which I may not be able to afford in the coming weeks, so a strategy to learn this and document it for others on my team is utmost the reason why I am reaching out here.
- Help educate educators on bringing these concepts into their world (from a system admin at a University perspective).
I hope someone may see this and point me in a little clearer spot. I think a good option is to start with a local node server (I'm guessing) to replicate the website and be able to jump around the documentation easy), then if I get that running will look into creating a mockup app(s) with docker (bunch of one offs on a custom bridge and use docker compose to bring it up ?). I guess another good thing to get ahold of here is:
- Is there images I can pull for docker containers to start with- or a template that has enough commenting that I can realize where the caching is taking place and how I can build a few pieces one step at a time.
Maybe the best thing is not to try and build anything at first and just read the docs, but for me I think it works best to read and build small pieces as I go. Maybe someones suggestion might be- you're not ready. Maybe they are right. I want a narrowed shot at it though if I do decide to dive down this rabbit hole. I saw a JupyterCon video that connected JS and Python for graphical representations of brain activity in 3-D that really pushed me down the avenue of researching what it is you all are attempting to solve, and I think 9 months of my own squirrel chasing an acorn mentality has landed me here. Please help me iron this out. I know it's inevitability we are faced with here, its just a matter of time. Thanks ahead of it for yours.
P.S. I have Kerrisk's book currently sitting next to my MBP, and any points into this other than reading the whole thing and remembering it all over again will be great. Thanks again.