难度: Medium
Given an absolute path for a file (Unix-style), simplify it.
For example,
path = "/home/", => "/home"
path = "/a/./b/../../c/", => "/c"
path = "/a/../../b/../c//.//", => "/c"
path = "/a//b////c/d//././/..", => "/a/b/c"
In a UNIX-style file system, a period ('.') refers to the current directory, so it can be ignored in a simplified path. Additionally, a double period ("..") moves up a directory, so it cancels out whatever the last directory was. For more information, look here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Path_(computing)#Unix_style
Corner Cases:
Did you consider the case where path = "/../"?
In this case, you should return "/".
Another corner case is the path might contain multiple slashes '/' together, such as "/home//foo/".
In this case, you should ignore redundant slashes and return "/home/foo".
思路 1 - 时间复杂度: O(N^2)- 空间复杂度: O(1)******
非常简单的模拟题,利用一个栈来储存当前的路径。用 "/" 将输入的全路径分割成多个部分,对于每一个部分循环处理:如果为空或者 "." 则忽略,如果是 ".." ,则出栈顶部元素(如果栈为空则忽略),其他情况直接压入栈即可。
beats 100%
class Solution(object):
def simplifyPath(self, path):
:type path: str
:rtype: str
stack = []
for part in path.split("/"):
if part and part != ".": # 如果为空或者 "." 则忽略
if part == "..":
if stack:
if not stack:
return "/"
return "/" + "/".join(stack)