难度: Hard
Given an integer n, find the closest integer (not including itself), which is a palindrome.
The 'closest' is defined as absolute difference minimized between two integers.
Example 1:
Input: "123"
Output: "121"
The input n is a positive integer represented by string, whose length will not exceed 18.
If there is a tie, return the smaller one as answer.
思路 1 - 时间复杂度: O(len(n))- 空间复杂度: O(1)******
- 总共三种情况,算出后面的,前面的,还有当前的前半部分直接反转黏贴到后半部分。总结一下就是说 {前半部分+1,前半部分-1,前半部分自身} + 前面得出结果的反转就是我们可能的结果之一。
- 另外两种情况就是进位和减位,格式为1000..0001, 999...999
beats 100%,功夫不负有心人!
class Solution(object):
def nearestPalindromic(self, n):
:type n: str
:rtype: str
tmp = str(n)
if 9 < int(n) < 12:
return '9'
r_half_len = len(tmp) // 2
if len(tmp) & 1 == 0: # 长度为偶数
num_digits = len(str(int(tmp[:len(tmp)/2])))
half = tmp[:len(tmp)/2]
else: # 长度为奇数
num_digits = len(str(int(tmp[:(len(tmp)+1)/2])))
half = tmp[:(len(tmp)+1)/2]
if len(str(int(half)+1)) > num_digits: # 进位了
behind = '1' + '0' * (len(tmp)-1) + '1'
behind = str(int(half) + 1)+ str(int(half) + 1)[:r_half_len][::-1]
if len(str(int(half)-1)) < num_digits: # 减位了
before = '9' * (len(tmp)-1)
before = str(int(half) - 1)+ str(int(half) - 1)[:r_half_len][::-1]
# 当前的前半部分直接反转,如1002,变成了1001
cur = str(int(half))+ str(int(half))[:r_half_len][::-1]
if cur == tmp[::-1]:
return behind if abs(int(tmp)-int(behind)) < abs(int(tmp)-int(before)) else before
abss = map(lambda x: abs(int(x)-int(tmp)), [before, cur, behind])
selects = [before, cur, behind]
return selects[abss.index(min(abss))]
思路 2 - 时间复杂度: O(len(n))- 空间复杂度: O(1)******
class Solution(object):
def nearestPalindromic(self, n):
:type n: str
:rtype: str
prefix = int(n[:(len(n)+1)//2])
candidates = set(['1' + '0' * (len(n)-1) + '1', '9' * (len(n)-1)]) # 进位减位可能性
for i in map(str, [prefix-1, prefix, prefix+1]): # 前半部分+1,-1,+0可能性
candidates.add(i + [i, i[:-1]][len(n) & 1][::-1])
candidates.discard(n) # 除去自身可能就是Palindrome的可能性
candidates.discard('') # 输入n为个位数的话,我们还会加入空字符串,必须要去掉
return min(candidates, key = lambda x: (abs(int(x) - int(n)), int(x)))