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Running a Full Node manually


Make sure you have all prerequisites set up.

Deployment steps

1. Put cosmovisor binary to /usr/bin/, set proper owner and execution permissions

2. Locate the genesis app version to genesis application version directory

  • Create $HOME/.dcl/cosmovisor/genesis/bin directory.
  • Copy dcld binary to it, set proper owner and execution permissions. Please note that execution permissions on dcld should be granted to all (i.e. User, Group and Others classes) because cosmovisor requires execution permission on the application binary to be granted to Others class.

3. Configure CLI

  • ./dcld config chain-id <chain-id>
    • Use testnet-2.0 for <chain-id> if you want to connect to the persistent Test Net
    • Use main-net for <chain-id> if you want to connect to the persistent Main Net
  • ./dcld config output json - Output format (text/json).

4. Initilize the node

./dcld init "<node-name>" --chain-id "<chain-id>"
  • Use testnet-2.0 for <chain-id> if you want to connect to the persistent Test Net
  • Use main-net for <chain-id> if you want to connect to the persistent Main Net

5. Enable state sync in the configuration or use one of the options in if you are joining long-running network


enable = true

rpc_servers = "http(s)://<host>:<port>,http(s)://<host>:<port>"
trust_height = <trust-height>
trust_hash = "<trust-hash>"
trust_period = "168h0m0s"
Example for Testnet 2.0 (clickable)
enable = true
rpc_servers = ","
Example for Mainnet (clickable)
enable = true
rpc_servers = ","

NOTE: You should provide at least 2 addresses for rpc_servers. It can be 2 identical addresses

You can use the following command to obtain <trust-height> and <trust-hash> of your network

curl -s http(s)://<host>:<port>/commit | jq "{height: .result.signed_header.header.height, hash: .result.signed_header.commit.block_id.hash}"
Example for Testnet 2.0 (clickable)
curl -s | jq "{height: .result.signed_header.header.height, hash: .result.signed_header.commit.block_id.hash}"
Example for Mainnet (clickable)
curl -s | jq "{height: .result.signed_header.header.height, hash: .result.signed_header.commit.block_id.hash}"
  • <host> - RPC endpoint host of the network being joined
  • <port> - RPC endpoint port of the network being joined

NOTE: State sync is not attempted if the node has any local state (LastBlockHeight > 0)

6. (Optional) Enable state sync snapshots in [~/.dcl/config/app.toml] file

snapshot-interval = "snapshot-interval"
snapshot-keep-recent = "snapshot-keep-recent"

7. Get genesis and persistent peers files

  • Put genesis.json into dcld's config directory (usually $HOME/.dcl/config/).
    • Use deployment/persistent_chains/testnet-2.0/genesis.json if you want to connect to the persistent Testnet 2.0
    • Use deployment/persistent_chains/main-net/genesis.json if you want to connect to the persistent Mainnet
  • Create an empty persistent_peers.txt in the current path because this file is required by run_dcl_node script
    touch persistent_peers.txt

*** Step 8 can be automated using run_dcl_node script

Run node:

./run_dcl_node -t "<node-type>" -c "<chain-id>" "<node-name>"
  • <node-type> - one of the following types depending on which type of node is being run:
    • genesis
    • validator
    • observer
    • private-sentry
    • public-sentry
    • seed


  • the script assumes that:
    • current user is going to be used for cosmovisor service to run as
    • current user is in sudoers list

8. Run node

  • Open $HOME/.dcl/config/config.toml file in your favorite text editor:

    • Make your node public:
      • Open $HOME/.dcl/config/config.toml
      • Find the line under # TCP or UNIX socket address for the RPC server to listen on
      • Change it to: laddr = "tcp://"
    • Change other settings (see specific instructions for every Node type)
  • Open 26656 (p2p) and 26657 (RPC) ports.

    • sudo ufw allow 26656/tcp
    • sudo ufw allow 26657/tcp
  • Edit cosmovisor.service

    • Replace ubuntu with a username you want to start service on behalf
  • Copy service configuration.

    • cp cosmovisor.service /etc/systemd/system/
  • Enable the service: sudo systemctl enable cosmovisor

  • Start node: sudo systemctl start cosmovisor

  • For testing purpose the node process can be started directly: ./dcld start (instead of two previous systemctl commands using cosmovisor service). Service mode is recommended for demo and production environment.

  • Use systemctl status cosmovisor to get the node service status.

  • Use journalctl -u cosmovisor.service -f to see node logs.

  • You can also check node status by executing the command ./dcld status to get the current status. The value of latest_block_height reflects the current node height.

  • Add the following line to the end of $HOME/.profile file:

    • export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/.dcl/cosmovisor/current/bin
  • Execute the following command to apply the updated $PATH immediately:

    • source $HOME/.profile

9. Check the node is running and getting all the transactions

  • Get the node status: dcld status --node tcp://localhost:26657.
  • Make sure that result.sync_info.latest_block_height is increasing over the time (once in about 10 mins). When you see the catching_up as true that signifies that the node is still downloading all the transactions. Once it has fully synced this will value will turn to false