Related Issue for Emacs: #1
Installation Guide
- inform the reader about ziglang/zig.vim because they may unknowingly use it. As an example, the user may wonder why formatting on save is enabled or what is causing [Neovim] LSP diagnostics go to a split zls#856
This documentation mostly complete and should be taken as a reference for the other plugins.
Conquer of Completion (CoC)
- Figure out what to do about the coc-zls plugin since it appears to be unmaintained.
- document how to manually specify the path to Zig (if possible)
- document how to set ZLS config options (if possible)
- document how to manually specify the path to Zig and ZLS
- document how to set ZLS config options lsp-configuration
document how to manually specify the path to Zig and ZLSdocument how to set ZLS config options g:LanguageClient_settingsPath
Also, are there any other plugins that should be included?
How to view ZLS log output Guide
- add guide for CoC (if possible)
- add guide for YouCompleteMe (if possible)
add guide for LanguageClient-neovim (if possible)