For now, we are parsing and replace code manually with tree-sitter
It's not a big problem, but it's hard to add new transpile layers.
fn parse_call_expression_attributes(code: &mut String, code_bytes: &[u8]) {
let mut parser = tree_sitter::Parser::new();
let tree = parser.parse(code_bytes, None).unwrap();
let query = Query::new(&tree_sitter_c::LANGUAGE.into(), "(call_expression(identifier)@a)").unwrap();
let mut cursor = QueryCursor::new();
let mut diff: i32 = 0;
for qm in cursor.matches(&query, tree.root_node(), code_bytes) {
let identifier_node = qm.captures[0].node;
let identifier = identifier_node.utf8_text(&code_bytes).unwrap();
let start = identifier.find("_AC_");
let start = match start {
None => continue,
Some(start) => start
let mut identifier = String::from(identifier);
identifier.replace_range(start.., "");
((identifier_node.start_byte() as i32) + diff) as usize..
((identifier_node.end_byte() as i32) + diff) as usize,
diff += identifier.len() as i32 - identifier_node.byte_range().len() as i32;
If you look at this code, you can see that the code is very long compared to what it actually do, and it's hard to figure out what it's doing.
It can solved by structual replacement with ast-grep