Hi there,
Sorry to use this to ask my question, but since [email protected] does not works I have no choice but to write here.
I am trying to use and understand the tls
module of zgrab2, as I'd like to use it like sslscan or sslyze to enumerate ciphers for n ip addresses.
However, I notice that each scan takes 8 minutes for a small sample, which is a lot, and when I see my results.json I notice that an endpoint has been tested a lot, with the following error message:
{"ip":"100.4.*****:443","data":{"tls":{"status":"connection-timeout","protocol":"tls","timestamp":"2024-07-15T17:42:53+02:00","error":"dial tcp 100.4.******:443: i/o timeout"}}}
I used grep
to count the occurrences for the ip address, I have approximatively 48, which is way too much, I want the scan to abandon the minute we have a timeout.
I tried searching in the code with the error messages, then try the word "retry" but can't catch something interesting, except for utility.go line 147.
Is there an option to avoid any retry, and set the timeout ?
Thank you.