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Keyboard can pop up on returning from lightbox or internal link #1100





  • On Android, visit a message list that has a compose box.
  • Touch the content input to focus it. The keyboard appears.
  • Dismiss the keyboard using either (a) the "back" gesture or button or (b) the keyboard's own button for being dismissed. The keyboard will vanish, making room again for the full height of the message list.
  • Now scroll around the message list reading messages, and forget that you'd previously interacted with the compose box.
  • Then open some other page within the app, by doing any of the following:
    • Tap on some image or video, opening the lightbox.
    • Or tap an internal link in a message, opening a new message-list page.
    • Or tap a message sender's name or avatar, opening their profile page.
    • Or etc.
    • (On the other hand: if you tap an external link, opening a web browser within the app, then that will not reproduce this issue.)
  • Navigate back out of the other page, using either (a) the "back" gesture or button or (b) the "back" or "close" button in the app bar.
  • Expected: The message list reappears, looking the same as it did when you entered the lightbox.
  • Actual: The message list reappears, but the keyboard pops up, occupying a swath of the screen.

This is a variant of #1097, and I assume it has the same root cause: after dismissing the keyboard in step 3 above, the text field is still focused. When it occurs, this symptom is much more obtrusive and annoying.

I learned about this symptom the other day from a longtime Zulip user who was trying out the Flutter beta app; he ran into this within the first few minutes.





a-composeCompose box, autocomplete, attaching files/imagesa-msglistThe message-list screen, except what's label:a-contentbeta feedbackThings beta users have specifically asked for


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