8 | 8 | "Offline": "Офлайн",
9 | 9 | "Unavailable": "Unavailable",
10 | 10 | "Quote and reply": "Цитирай и отговори",
11 |
| - "{username} [said]({link_to_message}):": "{username} [said]({link_to_message}):", |
12 |
| - "[Quoting…]": "[Quoting…]", |
| 11 | + "{username} [said]({link_to_message}):": "{username} [написа]({link_to_message}):", |
| 12 | + "[Quoting…]": "[Цитиране...]", |
13 | 13 | "[Quoting ({serialNumber})…]": "[Quoting ({serialNumber})…]",
14 | 14 | "Quote-and-reply failed": "Quote-and-reply failed",
15 | 15 | "all": "all",
16 | 16 | "everyone": "everyone",
17 | 17 | "stream": "stream",
18 | 18 | "channel": "channel",
19 | 19 | "topic": "topic",
20 |
| - "Notify stream": "Notify stream", |
| 20 | + "Notify stream": "Известяване на потока", |
21 | 21 | "Notify channel": "Notify channel",
22 |
| - "Notify topic": "Notify topic", |
23 |
| - "Notify recipients": "Notify recipients", |
| 22 | + "Notify topic": "Извести тема", |
| 23 | + "Notify recipients": "Известяване на получателите", |
24 | 24 | "Notify everyone": "Notify everyone",
25 | 25 | "Cannot open image": "Cannot open image",
26 | 26 | "Invalid image URL.": "Invalid image URL.",
30 | 30 | "That conversation could not be found.": "That conversation could not be found.",
31 | 31 | "Those messages could not be found.": "Those messages could not be found.",
32 | 32 | "Invisible mode": "Invisible mode",
33 |
| - "{num_of_people, plural,\n one {This message has been <z-link>read</z-link> by {num_of_people} person:}\n other {This message has been <z-link>read</z-link> by {num_of_people} people:}}": "{num_of_people, plural,\n one {This message has been <z-link>read</z-link> by {num_of_people} person:} other {This message has been <z-link>read</z-link> by {num_of_people} people:}}", |
34 |
| - "View read receipts": "View read receipts", |
| 33 | + "{num_of_people, plural,\n one {This message has been <z-link>read</z-link> by {num_of_people} person:}\n other {This message has been <z-link>read</z-link> by {num_of_people} people:}}": "{num_of_people, plural,\n one {Това съобщение е <z-link>прочетено</z-link> от {num_of_people} човек:} other {Това съобщение е <z-link>прочетено</z-link> от {num_of_people} човекa:}}", |
| 34 | + "View read receipts": "Прегледай разписките за прочитане", |
35 | 35 | "Failed to show read receipts": "Failed to show read receipts",
36 |
| - "Read receipts": "Read receipts", |
37 |
| - "Read receipts are not available for Notification Bot messages.": "Read receipts are not available for Notification Bot messages.", |
| 36 | + "Read receipts": "Разписки за прочитане", |
| 37 | + "Read receipts are not available for Notification Bot messages.": "Разписките за прочитене не са налични за съобщенията на Ботa за Известия.", |
38 | 38 | "Could not load data.": "Could not load data.",
39 | 39 | "Still working…": "Still working…",
40 | 40 | "Updates may be delayed.": "Актуализациите може да се забавят.",
41 |
| - "No one has read this message yet.": "No one has read this message yet.", |
| 41 | + "No one has read this message yet.": "Все още никой не е прочел това съобщение.", |
42 | 42 | "Confirm": "Потвърди",
43 | 43 | "Failed to attach your file.": "Failed to attach your file.",
44 | 44 | "Failed to attach your files.": "Failed to attach your files.",
47 | 47 | "You": "Вие",
48 | 48 | "Discard changes": "Discard changes",
49 | 49 | "You have unsaved changes. Leave without saving?": "You have unsaved changes. Leave without saving?",
50 |
| - "Who can access the stream?": "Who can access the stream?", |
| 50 | + "Who can access the stream?": "Кой може да има достъп до потока?", |
51 | 51 | "Who can access the channel?": "Who can access the channel?",
52 | 52 | "Cannot apply requested settings": "Cannot apply requested settings",
53 | 53 | "Insufficient permission": "Insufficient permission",
54 | 54 | "Web-public": "Web-public",
55 |
| - "Organization members can join (guests must be invited by a subscriber); anyone on the Internet can view complete message history without creating an account": "Organization members can join (guests must be invited by a subscriber); anyone on the Internet can view complete message history without creating an account", |
| 55 | + "Organization members can join (guests must be invited by a subscriber); anyone on the Internet can view complete message history without creating an account": "Членовете на организацията могат да се присъединят (гостите трябва да бъдат поканени от абонат); всеки в интернет може да види пълната история на съобщенията, без да създава акаунт.", |
56 | 56 | "Only organization administrators and owners can edit streams.": "Only organization administrators and owners can edit streams.",
57 | 57 | "Only organization administrators and owners can edit channels.": "Only organization administrators and owners can edit channels.",
58 | 58 | "{realmName} only allows organization administrators or owners to make public streams.": "{realmName} only allows organization administrators or owners to make public streams.",
79 | 79 | "{realmName} only allows organization administrators or owners to make web-public channels.": "{realmName} only allows organization administrators or owners to make web-public channels.",
80 | 80 | "{realmName} only allows organization moderators, administrators, or owners to make web-public streams.": "{realmName} only allows organization moderators, administrators, or owners to make web-public streams.",
81 | 81 | "{realmName} only allows organization moderators, administrators, or owners to make web-public channels.": "{realmName} only allows organization moderators, administrators, or owners to make web-public channels.",
82 |
| - "Organization members can join (guests must be invited by a subscriber); organization members can view complete message history without joining": "Organization members can join (guests must be invited by a subscriber); organization members can view complete message history without joining", |
83 |
| - "Private, shared history": "Private, shared history", |
84 |
| - "Must be invited by a subscriber; new subscribers can view complete message history; hidden from non-administrator users": "Must be invited by a subscriber; new subscribers can view complete message history; hidden from non-administrator users", |
85 |
| - "Private, protected history": "Private, protected history", |
86 |
| - "Must be invited by a subscriber; new subscribers can only see messages sent after they join; hidden from non-administrator users": "Must be invited by a subscriber; new subscribers can only see messages sent after they join; hidden from non-administrator users", |
| 82 | + "Organization members can join (guests must be invited by a subscriber); organization members can view complete message history without joining": "Членовете на организацията могат да се присъединят (гостите трябва да бъдат поканени от абонат); членовете на организацията могат да видят пълната история на съобщенията, без да се присъединяват", |
| 83 | + "Private, shared history": "Лична, споделена история", |
| 84 | + "Must be invited by a subscriber; new subscribers can view complete message history; hidden from non-administrator users": "Трябва да бъдат поканени от абонат; новите абонати могат да виждат пълната история на съобщенията; скрито за потребители, които не са администратори.", |
| 85 | + "Private, protected history": "Лична, защитена история", |
| 86 | + "Must be invited by a subscriber; new subscribers can only see messages sent after they join; hidden from non-administrator users": "Трябва да бъдат поканени от абонат; новите абонати могат да виждат само съобщенията, изпратени след присъединяването им; скрито за потребители, които не са администратори.", |
87 | 87 | "Cannot subscribe to stream": "Cannot subscribe to stream",
88 | 88 | "Cannot subscribe to channel": "Cannot subscribe to channel",
89 | 89 | "Stream #{name} is private.": "Stream #{name} is private.",
102 | 102 | "The Zulip server at {realm} has not yet registered your device token. A request is in progress.": "The Zulip server at {realm} has not yet registered your device token. A request is in progress.",
103 | 103 | "The Zulip server at {realm} has not yet registered your device token.": "The Zulip server at {realm} has not yet registered your device token.",
104 | 104 | "Registration failed": "Registration failed",
105 |
| - "Retry": "Retry", |
| 105 | + "Retry": "Опитай отново", |
106 | 106 | "Message not saved": "Message not saved",
107 | 107 | "Save message": "Save message",
108 | 108 | "Send message": "Изпрати съобщение",
117 | 117 | "Zulip will save a copy of your photo on your device. To do so, Zulip will need permission to store files on your device.": "Zulip will save a copy of your photo on your device. To do so, Zulip will need permission to store files on your device.",
118 | 118 | "Message not sent": "Message not sent",
119 | 119 | "Please specify a topic.": "Please specify a topic.",
120 |
| - "Please specify a stream.": "Please specify a stream.", |
| 120 | + "Please specify a stream.": "Моля, посочете поток.", |
121 | 121 | "Please specify a channel.": "Please specify a channel.",
122 | 122 | "Please specify a valid stream.": "Please specify a valid stream.",
123 | 123 | "Please specify a valid channel.": "Please specify a valid channel.",
213 | 213 | "Zulip is online.": "Zulip is online.",
214 | 214 | "{realm} is running Zulip Server {serverVersion}, which is unsupported. Please upgrade your server as soon as possible.": "{realm} is running Zulip Server {serverVersion}, which is unsupported. Please upgrade your server as soon as possible.",
215 | 215 | "{realm} is running Zulip Server {serverVersion}, which is unsupported. Please contact your administrator about upgrading.": "{realm} is running Zulip Server {serverVersion}, which is unsupported. Please contact your administrator about upgrading.",
216 |
| - "Learn more": "Learn more", |
| 216 | + "Learn more": "Научете повече", |
217 | 217 | "Full profile": "Full profile",
218 | 218 | "Settings": "Настройки",
219 | 219 | "Night mode": "Нощен режим",
280 | 280 | "Message {recipient}": "Изпрати до {recipient}",
281 | 281 | "{username} will not be notified unless you subscribe them to this stream.": "{username} will not be notified unless you subscribe them to this stream.",
282 | 282 | "{username} will not be notified unless you subscribe them to this channel.": "{username} will not be notified unless you subscribe them to this channel.",
283 |
| - "Send direct message": "Send direct message", |
284 |
| - "View direct messages": "View direct messages", |
| 283 | + "Send direct message": "Изпрати лично съобщение", |
| 284 | + "View direct messages": "Виж личните съобщения", |
285 | 285 | "(This user has been deactivated)": "(Този потребител е деактивиран)",
286 | 286 | "(unknown user)": "(unknown user)",
287 | 287 | "Forgot password?": "Забравена парола?",
326 | 326 | "Mark channel as read": "Mark channel as read",
327 | 327 | "Mark topic as read": "Маркирай тема като прочетена",
328 | 328 | "Mark conversation as read": "Mark conversation as read",
329 |
| - "Mark as unread from here": "Mark as unread from here", |
| 329 | + "Mark as unread from here": "Маркирай като непрочетено от тук", |
330 | 330 | "Marked {numMessages} messages as unread": "Marked {numMessages} messages as unread",
331 | 331 | "Marking messages as unread…": "Marking messages as unread…",
332 | 332 | "{unreadCount, plural,\n one {{unreadCount} unread message}\n other {{unreadCount} unread messages}\n}": "{unreadCount, plural,\n one {{unreadCount} unread message} other {{unreadCount} unread messages}\n}",
357 | 357 | "Failed to unmute channel": "Failed to unmute channel",
358 | 358 | "Failed to delete topic": "Failed to delete topic",
359 | 359 | "Failed to mark as unread": "Failed to mark as unread",
360 |
| - "Stream settings": "Stream settings", |
| 360 | + "Stream settings": "Настройки на потока", |
361 | 361 | "Channel settings": "Channel settings",
362 | 362 | "Failed to show stream settings": "Failed to show stream settings",
363 | 363 | "Failed to show channel settings": "Failed to show channel settings",
374 | 374 | "Name": "Име",
375 | 375 | "Description": "Описание",
376 | 376 | "Create": "Създай",
377 |
| - "Privacy": "Privacy", |
| 377 | + "Privacy": "Поверителност", |
378 | 378 | "Public": "Публичен",
379 | 379 | "Notifications": "Известия",
380 | 380 | "Stream": "Канал",
392 | 392 | "When scrolling through messages, should they automatically be marked as read?": "When scrolling through messages, should they automatically be marked as read?",
393 | 393 | "Always": "Винаги",
394 | 394 | "Never": "Никога",
395 |
| - "Only in conversation views": "Only in conversation views", |
| 395 | + "Only in conversation views": "Само в изгледa на разговорите", |
396 | 396 | "Messages will be automatically marked as read only when viewing a single topic or direct message conversation.": "Messages will be automatically marked as read only when viewing a single topic or direct message conversation.",
397 | 397 | "Topics": "Теми",
398 | 398 | "Add subscribers": "Добави абонати",
399 | 399 | "Subscribe": "Абонамент",
400 |
| - "Unsubscribe": "Unsubscribe", |
| 400 | + "Unsubscribe": "Отпиши", |
401 | 401 | "Set yourself to away": "Set yourself to away",
402 | 402 | "Reactions": "Reactions",
403 | 403 | "No reactions": "No reactions",
404 | 404 | "See who reacted": "See who reacted",
405 |
| - "Muted user": "Muted user", |
| 405 | + "Muted user": "Заглушен потребител", |
406 | 406 | "{userFullName} (guest)": "{userFullName} (guest)",
407 | 407 | "{userFullName} <i>(guest)</i>": "{userFullName} <i>(guest)</i>",
408 | 408 | "Only organization admins are allowed to post to this stream.": "Само администраторите на организацията имат право да публикуват в този поток.",
409 | 409 | "Only organization admins are allowed to post to this channel.": "Only organization admins are allowed to post to this channel.",
410 | 410 | "Connecting...": "Connecting...",
411 | 411 | "Set your status": "Set your status",
412 |
| - "Muted": "Muted", |
| 412 | + "Muted": "Заглушен", |
413 | 413 | "No topics found": "No topics found",
414 | 414 | "Share on Zulip": "Share on Zulip",
415 | 415 | "Choose recipients": "Choose recipients",
420 | 420 | "Couldn’t load information about {fullName}": "Couldn’t load information about {fullName}",
421 | 421 | "What’s your status?": "What’s your status?",
422 | 422 | "Click to join video call": "Click to join video call",
423 |
| - "Busy": "Busy", |
| 423 | + "Busy": "Зает", |
424 | 424 | "In a meeting": "В разговор",
425 | 425 | "Commuting": "Транспорт",
426 | 426 | "Out sick": "Out sick",
447 | 447 | "Failed to copy channel link": "Failed to copy channel link",
448 | 448 | "A stream with this name already exists.": "A stream with this name already exists.",
449 | 449 | "A channel with this name already exists.": "A channel with this name already exists.",
450 |
| - "Streams": "Streams", |
| 450 | + "Streams": "Потоци", |
451 | 451 | "Channels": "Channels",
452 |
| - "Owner": "Owner", |
| 452 | + "Owner": "Собственик", |
453 | 453 | "Admin": "Admin",
454 | 454 | "Moderator": "Модератор",
455 | 455 | "Member": "Потребител",
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